Here I am🎵🎶Stuck in the Middle with You. Well, at least we're together, right? I know we are because this story literally goes everywhere. So wherever you are, this story has already been there. It has gotten so big we'll break it into pieces. Because it's so fun, and it's also where I latched on, let's start with a Q look under the hood…
This was posted Friday early in the afternoon for me and 90 minutes later I was part of a 5 then 8 way chat ancillary to it over the weekend. It started out from a different vantage point but ended up there. I'm not gonna separate all the parts but will put most replies as appropriate under the applicable comments as it seems doable. So, essentially a stream of consciousness view.
“I don think so!” Someone forgot the t🔸
🔸And the grammar "otherwise, shot them down" instead of shoot them down!🔸
🔸And an o off of too. Plus a ? after knowledge. Cornucopia of clues!🔸
He deleted the first Truth with the misspelling🔸
➖Blame Scavino😂🔸
🔸🍸🍸🍸?🔸➖🔸📅📅📅!ON THE MOVE.🔸➖🔸The perfect excuse!🔸
It’s attracting a lot of attention 😆🔸
🔸Someone pointed out to me that in addition to decoding the missing letters, there’s a pretty big message in plain sight in the letters that were there: DON SHOT! This same person shared with me several weeks ago a video he had made over a year ago about apparent warnings of a Trump (fake but believed) assassination event, perhaps on 12/19. At that time he thought it was for a previous year but things seem to be lining up for it this year. Talk about optics to clean things up!🔸
🔸It means he’s pointing to the letters T and O. The time difference between the two posts may carry information as well as one or both timestamps individually.🔸
Here’s a message sent in the time difference (delta) between the original post and the correction.
What will happen to the media around February 2025?🔸
🔸Also noticed he capitalized Drone and Country, DC - isn't the Army-Navy football gameday tomorrow?🔸
➖🔸It is tomorrow, Dec 14 in DC.
OT - Overtime?🔸
Looks to be - Tracking Only🔸
TOMORROW — POTUS45-47 to attend Army vs. Navy:
"Will be going to the Army/Navy Game tomorrow to root on these fantastic young men. Should be a great game. See you there! DJT"🔸
➖🔸Don’t like the added []🔸
➖ 😲
Why not? What do you think an empty kill box [] means?
My guess is that it’s saying that they have knowledge that they need to target but don’t know what the target is yet, so they’re tracking some things to find out what to put in that empty kill box.🔸
➖🔸... like, perhaps, "... y'all might just get ready for some 'Take Out'..."?
... just sayin' -- yours truly bein' from the Ozarks and all...
🤔 🤠 😉🔸
➖🔸There were two Os and a T.🔸
🔸12:33am -> 00:33 in military time🔸
Picked back up on Saturday and Sunday.
McCC 🍔🔸
This X account has disappeared but this information if true corresponds with the “tracking only” Q drops.🔸
It also ties into the Sum of All Fears plot line we’ve recently seen comms about.
I think it’s possible it’s not just a test or psyop.🔸
There were eight participants (and I was the very least of them, much more observing than contributing!) over a 48 hour span.
A few other game related posts:
12/14 Army/Navy game.
Broadcast shows soldiers from Gitmo watching the game.
Q Drop 3692, 12/15/2019
“Operators are standing by”, accompanied by a photo of Gitmo.
I’m sure it’s nothing. 👀
h/t: @NewsTreason
Palantir releases drone video during Army vs Navy game.
Battles are won before they begin. ↩pvt_acct🔸
The actual game location was in Landover, Maryland - home to the Washington Commanders (formerly Redskins). Game time was 3 PM local time and Navy upset Army 31-13. A surprise fake punt six minutes into the 4Q led to a tough to beat 15 point lead that Army couldn't manage to overcome. Navy really commanded the game throughout, though. That was just the penultimate pull of their best Jenga piece.
Even though Navy won the game, I'm going to focus on some of the Army team who had outstanding seasons. The team won its first conference championship. The QB, Bryson Daily (13), finished 6th overall in the Heisman Trophy standings (#3 among QBs), rushing for 30 TDs and throwing 9 more during the whole regular season; also the offensive line won the Joe Moore award (10th) as the best in the NCAA. Notwithstanding their poor performance in this game and a loss to Notre Dame last month, the team overall was one of if not the best in West Point history.
The offensive line players are:
Connor Finucane (60)
Bill Katsigiannis (53)
Brady Small (51)
Paolo Gennarelli (71)
Lucas Scott (65)🔸
So, ready to see what Q activity lines up with the big game? First, I looked up the player jersey numbers, selected stats, and the score.
🔸#6 10/29/17 07:48:50 PM MDT Anonymous
Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.
POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.
Follow Huma tomorrow.
POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.
Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed?
Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^
Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).
Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.
Follow the money, it’s the key.
What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?
Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?
Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.
Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?
Why is MS13 a priority?
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.
Operation Mockingbird.🔸
🔸#13 10/29/17 10:34:36 PM MDT Anonymous
Now think about the timing of POTUS traveling to China/SK. I’ve said too much. God bless, Patriots.🔸
🔸#57 11/02/17 02:39:38 PM MDT Anonymous
Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.
Why is this relevant?
Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?
What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?
Alice & Wonderland.🔸
🔸#53 11/02/17 12:36:25 PM MDT Anonymous
List out all who have foundations.
Why is this relevant?
How can donations be used personally?
Analyze the filings.
Who is charged w/ overseeing this?
Politically motivated?
The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.
Alice & Wonderland.🔸
🔸#60 11/02/17 05:03:36 PM MDT Anonymous
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.
Why is this relevant?
Game theory.
Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.
Operators never divulge.
Alice & Wonderland.🔸
🔸#65 11/02/17 06:07:18 PM MDT Anonymous
:::::Flash Traffic:::::
Three letter agency embedded tracking/up-channel into POTUS' Twitter to specifically target through specialized geo and send his location.
We anticipated this (see post a few hours ago).
It has begun.
Perhaps more posts to follow as expected imminent departure.
🔸#71 11/04/17 05:33:30 PM MDT Anonymous
Follow HUMA.
Who connects HRC/CF to SA?
Why is this relevant?
Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?
Who has ties to the MB?
Who is Awan?
What is the Awan Group?
Where do they have offices?
Why is this relevant?
Define cash laundering.
What is the relationship between SA & Pakistan?
Why is this relevant?
Why would SA provide tens of millions of dollars to US senior gov't officials?
What does SA obtain in exchange for payment?
Why is access important?
What happened when HRC lost the election of 2016?
How much money was provided to the CF by SA during 15/16?
HRC lost.
Loss of access/power/control.
Does repayment of funds to SA occur? If so, how?
Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran?
Why wasn't Congress notified?
Why was this classified under 'State Secrets'?
Who has access to 'State Secrets'?
Where did the planes carrying the cash depart from and land?
Did the planes all land in the same location?
How many planes carried the cash?
Why is this relevant?
What does this have to do w/ NK?
What does this have to do w/ SA/CF cash donations?
What does this have to do w/ ISIS?
What does this have to do w/ slush funds?
Why is SA so vitally important?
Follow the money.
Who has the money?
What is happening in SA today?
Why is this relevant?
Who was Abdullah bin Abdulaziz?
What events transpired directly thereafter?
How was POTUS greeted compared to other former US President's when in SA?
Why is this relevant?
What is the meaning of this tradition?
What coincidentally was the last Tweet sent out by POTUS?
Why is this relevant?
Was that an instruction of some kind?
To who?
Why is this relevant?
Where was POTUS when that Tweet was sent?
Why is that relevant?
What attack took place in SA as operations were undertaken? Flying objects.
What US operators are currently in SA?
Why is this relevant?
Questions provide answers.
Alice & Wonderland.🔸
🔸#3113 03/18/19 05:17:04 PM MDT Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
What occurred the last time a countdown was presented?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Never interfere with an enemy……..
Ammunition is hard to come by.
This one was the only one found from searching for [T] and [O]:
🔸#452 12/23/17 01:58:14 PM MST Q !UW.yye1fxo
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!
This one was a search for Moore:
🔸#2635 12/20/18 11:33:09 AM MST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
The [D] party will cease to exist once it's all exposed.
FAKE NEWS can no longer control [dampen] public awareness of the TRUTH.
⬆[All Shared by Q Alerts for Android]
The overwhelming majority of those are very early drops due to the low numbers. But it is universally accepted that the earliest drops represent the end scenarios and so that is mostly why I picked those subjects to select from.
Let's do a quick count.
#6 First line - POTUS is insulated re: another assassination attempt. Indictments inbound? Pelosi. Canadian PM. I think you get the drift. Lots of recently pertinent topics here.
#13 Timing and SK. 🤔
#53 ISIS, Foundations (NGOs). Alice & Wonderland.
#57 DoD, DoS, DoJ, DHS, DNI ↔ MB infiltration of USG. Alice & Wonderland.
#60 Operators never divulge (also relates to three Gitmo base fan appearances). Alice & Wonderland.
#65 3 letter agencies tracking POTUS, imminent departure (from stage)?
#71 MB, HUMA, Iran, NK, ISIS, Last tweet from POTUS (Storm here?), Flying objects. Alice & Wonderland.
#3113 [FF] ⬅last time a countdown presented, Never interfere with an enemy…
#452 Enough is enough! Owls (birds in the night sky event) - good hunting!
Rather amazing, isn't it? So many narratives in there from 7+ years ago. And possibly messages as well for us today. Four out of 28 A&W (over a three day time frame spanning 40 posts) references hit. Two hits on our current major drone narrative. Possible FF assassination of Trump to remove from the current stage. It's all in there.
I also checked for deltas for Inauguration Day 1/20 and there's only one. A snippet of a video of Eisenhower in 1960 warning about the MIC. I did find one each for the 19th and 21st, though. Interesting:
🔸#563 01/19/18 02:53:00 PM MST Q !UW.yye1fxo
Why are we here?
Why are we providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
APART you are weak.
This is more important than you can imagine.
🔸#570 01/21/18 12:06:20 PM MST Q !UW.yye1fxo
Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
1 of 22.
#Memo shifts narrative.
#Memo reinstates SESSIONS' authority re: Russia/ALL.
#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].
#Memo factually demonstrates 'knowingly false intel' provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).
[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8]
Install rogue_ops
Leak C-intel/Mil assets
Cut funding to Mil
Command away from generals
Launch 'good guy' takedown (internal remove) - Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)
SAP sell-off
Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)
Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Blind-eye NK [nuke build]
[Clas-1, 2, 3]
Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]
Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]
KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) - RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)
[CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov't/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install 'on team' SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)
Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]
Limit/remove funding of MIL
Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]
Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59
Pure EVIL.
Narrative intercept [4am].
Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.
Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].
Shutdown Primary Reasons.
Weaken military assets.
Inc illegal votes.
Black voters abandoning.
"Keep them starved"
"Keep them blind"
"Keep them stupid"
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].
The Great Awakening.
Fight, Fight, Fight.
⬆ All [Shared by Q Alerts for Android]
And look at that! [], sniffer (goes with next drone piece!), Open borders, Revise Constitution, WWIII, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, BUILDING THE ARMY. A cornucopia of 🎅🕸🍾!
So then I moved along to 12/14 (game day) and hit a big stack. 28 of them; all in either 2017 (17) or 2019 (11).
The ones in 2017 span from 348 to 364 - all but two are related to technical difficulties and ultimately determining the board was compromised. The other two (350 and 354) are nearly identical. Post 350 has this note at the bottom - (No ability to enter trip code, last dump). They start with “Shall we play a game…” and end with “How about a nice game of chess?” In between is a brief treatise on the power structure we have known as the US government. As if the USG was The Great Game. (And isn't it just!?)
But there are a few with more general wisdom so we'll list just those:
🔸#362 12/14/17 11:15:57 PM MST Q !UW.yye1fxo
We may have exhausted our ability to maintain safe-comms.
Snow White.
Rig for silent running.
Unknown return.
Godspeed, Patriots.
🔸#363 12/14/17 11:25:44 PM MST Q !UW.yye1fxo
Private OP_END
🔸#364 12/14/17 11:28:58 PM MST Q !UW.yye1fxo
Follow the crumbs.
You have it all.
SEC Conf will be analyzed.
Dark [10].
Enjoy the show!
⬆All [Shared by Q Alerts for Android]
The 2019 set (3667 thru 3677) are largely centered on the investigations from Barr, Durham, and Huber. I'm just putting a few below with a wider view.
🔸#3670 12/14/19 08:04:13 PM MST Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
Scope and size far greater than you can imagine.
(Post and/or account are missing)🔸
🔸#3673 12/14/19 08:26:45 PM MST Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
Month/day 'Durham' initiated?
Month/day 'Q' public campaign initiated?
How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?
It was over before it began.
🔸#3677 12/14/19 09:10:21 PM MST Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
FAKE NEWS hiding the TRUTH?
We, the People.
Enjoy the show!
(Post and/or account are missing)🔸
⬆ All[Shared by Q Alerts for Android]
Q 🔸🔍🔻📡🔸🔬🔻Q
I hope you've enjoyed this walk on the fun side. It's likely to be my gift to you for the upcoming holiday season. I plan to follow this up this week with a more specifically drone centric version. But then will wind down and recharge next week. Warmest of Holidays to All!
Football Bibliography:
I Guess 2025 will be like this:
Fun stuff, no answers.
So what does it all mean ?
Human made drones don't have the ability to dodge F-16s.
Is it all about keeping us distracted form something ?
What would they want to hide?
Maybe it's just noise before they blame Iran for bombing us.
Have fun with it though.
I guess the next few weeks will be like ridding a Roller Coaster while being stoned on LSD.