None of our current threads are developing sufficient new material for a full update, so I will take this opportunity to branch into a more philosophical direction (and presentation) for a turn. Over the past three weeks we have seen lots of major and minor events fall into one of those three categories. All of them are purported to presage our encroaching end times, so it seems to be pertinent enough to a well rounded discussion.
Ruses, those fickle tales of desperate deception. What would any self respecting end times be without them? Of course, none of our recent ones really reach for the stars quite like COVID did going on time, times, and half a time ago, but they have their own place in the narrative. My personal favorite because it is primarily a media story is the 40 days, oops, I mean babies. Not that the story is itself in any way enlightening, but it places a big world-wide spotlight on this practice the media elevates to a sacramental place on their altar. We (and all of our less aware brethren) can clearly see the latitude the media stretched a mere second-hand mention into. And then multiplied into instant fodder for billions of ears to hear. Let us hope they do hear; and repent of ever having trusted these lying serpents.
This video, I believe started the story, dated Tuesday but it was posted yesterday as the debunking was proceeding. (👇excerpt; fuller version available here)
Here are some of the media splash.

And here is Joe Biden's supplemental addition.
To be fair not all media outlets ran with this story. Sky News didn't fall for it. But some tried to just take a little edge off. Steve Bannon reported the number on Tuesday as 20; unsure if that was for the differentiation factor or an attempt to just seem more reasonable. And then we have our conspiracy frens giving us the really important data. The Nayirah testimony hoax that claimed Iraqi soldiers killed babies in Kuwait was on 10/10/90. Tuesday’s “40 babies killed” story was released 33 years to the day after that. (note that 911 mirror!)
And of course, the post wrecking ball crew at the WH backpedalled for Joe within hours. This post reminded us that the last time a lie of that type was let fly a million Iraqis died as inferred above.
Just for a little more on this and related subjects we had this TG post synopsis of other stories and their dispositions:
🔸🏴☠🇺🇸🇵🇸 "They raped women"
Unsubstantiated claim that the LA Times retracted
"They killed that German girl"
She’s alive
“They put kids in cages”
Those were Palestinian kids
"They beheaded 40 babies"
Israel denied claim
“They’re basically ISIS!”
Israel backed ISIS in Syria🔸
Of course, backing up we have near consensus that the entire Palestinian offensive became a false flag due to at minimum Israeli receptiveness of it by essentially shutting down. Dozens of former IDF claim it is completely impossible for Mossad (<= Moe, not to mention Larry and Curly, too IMO) to have had no information up front. Certainly the immediate response was underwhelming at the very least. And then yesterday, we find that the music festival goers were not exactly murdered in cold blood as advertised, but likely used as human shields by perhaps the only actual timely response forces - the armed security detail who crouched behind them as they tried to move beyond being shot themselves.
I think that rounds out our ruses at least for this episode. There were many more of course but we have territory ahead to be traveled. Onward valiant soldiers.
Ripostes. One of my favorite underused words. Especially since it fit my alliteration bill as well. It is typically used now primarily as a fencing term, but truly simply means a response, a parry to a blow struck. This example is, I believe, a very likely pre planned event for purely military purposes but its use and timing elevates it to what it wound up being - a response, a riposte to the ruses above and the kinetic attacks on Gaza.
I'm speaking of the ultimately phantom attack yesterday afternoon from Lebanon that never was. Israeli television news reported swarming drones (that never left Lebanon's borders) and paratroopers (that never existed at all), and the reaction was a mass alert that had a million remaining residents of northern Israel receding into bunkers. Later we would find that the TV station had been cyber attacked. Later still the alarms were sort of blamed also on a cyber attack, but this may have been primarily to spare further embarrassment. Of which there is much to spare. Strategika51 joked about the first excuse being a flock of birds (like a Hitchcock film), then next it was a Hezbollah psyop! Whichever, pretty embarrassing.
No one ever explained though, the report that US staff were wholesale clearing out in a hurry from the Beirut Embassy and advising Americans in the country to leave. Within an hour the Embassy itself reported that report was false. So everybody got their share of crow. And like little ducklings all of NATO is one by one lining up in a row to make sure that you believe that none of them heard a single word of any cooperation from Iran at all. Someone has major goods on or access to these people.
Slavyangrad offers an explanation possibly for this. These posts recall an event from 2018. Where four ISIS commanders and their families moved from Syria to Israel. IDF helped facilitate that border crossing into the Golan Heights for them to become military intelligence agents. Before leaving, they blew up an arms depot that had been used by them to supply groups operating in Golan adjacent areas. It's not difficult to suppose that evidence of this activity is available to Syrian and possibly Iranian intelligence forces to use at their discretion. And makes it that much more likely that the FF characterization could include both sides.
Then there's Zelenskyy, too. Acting even more weirdly than ever in his 20 month stretch. Bellingcat has ideas on that one and it stretches to the US and NATO. Which may also explain their weird actions lately. This (don't miss) video lays it all out:
Of course, we have the distraction of the war itself, and the not nearly as entertaining as January Speaker debacle. Not to mention a probable start to a Russian offensive. But overall, we can clearly see that the enemy is jumping through crates of hoops right now. With enough desperation to indicate that bad things happen if they quit jumping. Or miss even a single hoop. All they can do is riposte.
Revelations are all around us. It's a Force (like the Star Wars one) that surrounds us, penetrates us, moves our consciousness in ways both felt and not perceived. And that is all, of course, to be expected in these apocalyptic days. As the lies and deceptions now break in hours instead of decades and centuries. The sense of urgency and doom is creating all the clearly evident panic you see laid out before you every day. This will be condensing even further though so don't touch that dial.
But this part of this particular discourse had an interesting addition a few weeks ago. I'm no Biblical scholar, but this perhaps resonated most because it isn't the first time I've seen some of the assertions. But rule #1 in an information war is look before you dismiss out of hand. Plus we were given the heads up to watch for sky events from another interesting source. So in that spirit, here is a really good composite discourse on how we are faring in the spiritual war as well.
For a more traditional treatise of the signs that indicate other prophecies are aligning to that I found this one to be particularly concise but complete. It focuses on Luke 21:20-22. When Jerusalem is ringed with armies arrayed around her, then is the time of desolation, and days of vengeance. (And I really like the numbers there 20, 21, 22 and here we are in 20 and 23! And 24 up soon.)
Also, Matthew 23:27-28. Woe to you Pharisees (lawyers/politicians) and Scribes (media/historians)! Who outwardly appear righteous but inwardly are hypocrites and iniquity. Notice given. Synagogue of Satan - your blasphemous days are numbered and they are fewer in number every day.
So we have many signs and stars entering the fray as well. The remaining wonder is how much of humanity will see and hear in these final days of (((their))) reign over earth. We are going to be watching and listening wherever there is winning going on. That's the biggest escalation of all. Don't lose touch with that through all the smoke and mirrors of these wizards and warlocks. The surest path to victory is never made of oiled glass.
But even among all the smoke and furor, there is a growing sense of peace among the real inheritors of this planet. Every time they “lose” using their biggest weapon of all (the media), it hurts far worse than any military engagement “won”. Be of good cheer and at peace in heart. You have the inside story already.
Go to Part 2.