I've had a folder in my news archiving channel with the title Crashing for a number of weeks. But not really a headline event or kickoff story. But I think this one may be it.
It seems we have reached the ultimate disaster portion of the show - and all sorts will be making the list. But I felt like it was important to not be arguing the (de)merits of manipulation of weather for a manfactured crisis (although they are!). So I'm kicking this off with a nearly here strike from eastern longshore workers in the US. This has actually been in the business news for several weeks. But exploded in the consumer news basically yesterday. And had a few SM activists bouncing it the past week. So let's see the story!
What is Going on With Shipping? YT🔸
https://splash247.com/two-weeks-to-stave-off-supply-chain-chaos-on-the-us-east-coast/ ↩pvt_acct🔸
🔸The Government might shut down October 1. On the same date, some of the largest East Coast ports and Gulf of Mexico ports are preparing to shut down after the International Longshoremans Association, or ILA Union (the largest Union in North America) is set to strike, set to affect billions of dollars of goods flowing through our borders.
If Trump is set to bring back Tariffs, you would see a rush of goods in an attempt to dump product into the US market prior to inauguration day. Escalating "issues" such as this strike can become Black swan events in the market. A goods shutdown of anything but critically necessary items would limit how much is dumped on our shores before January 20. It would also send a signal that far more is going on inside the bowels of the beast that is the United States Government, than what anyone can realize at this time.
🔸🇺🇸 Meanwhile, a new crisis is unfolding in the US. 45,000 US port workers are threatening to go on strike. This would block 60% of shipping traffic going through American ports. The strike would lead to real logistics chaos in the US. Even a two-week strike could disrupt supply chains until 2025, the article says, citing documents.
Of course, this would hit the Democrats hard. | 💜 👑 RD🔸
🔸I'm putting this here now because you do not have time to wait until the Monday shortage report to see this. This trucker is saying there WILL be a port worker strike on October 1st. 45,000 ILA workers will go on strike. He said half of the United States goods comes through the ports they work at. HALF. He also says that for each day of strike, it will take one week to recover. Imagine what one month would do to the supply chain.
Use this weekend to stock up and fill gaps. October 1st is 1 week away. Use this time and intel.
Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Stay ahead of the curve. ↩t.me/AzazelNews🔸
🔸For premium members only:
🔸The Biggest Wild Card In The Presidential Election": Just Days Left Until A Crippling Port Strike Paralyzes The East Coast
MONDAY, SEP 23, 2024 - 08:55 AM
Late last week, the CEO of Flexport - one of largest US supply-chain logistics operators - warned that "the biggest wild card in the presidential election that nobody’s talking about? The looming port strike that could shut down all East and Gulf Coast ports just 36 days before the election.”
With just over a week to go until D-Day, authorities are gearing up as a threatened strike by dockworkers at ports along the East Coast and Gulf Coast draws closer.
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is "coordinating with partners across the supply chain to prepare for any impacts" from a possible work stoppage by workers represented by the International Longshoremen's Association as they negotiate with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), a Port Authority spokesperson told CBS MoneyWatch on Friday. …
😎🇺🇸💣 Buckle up. https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/26/business/port-workers-ila-strike/index.html ↩t.me/americanpatriotus🔸
🔸🚨🚨🚨 There is a strike on the verge of happening Tuesday Oct 1 that could cripple our economy and could leave store shelves bare by shutting down ports that handle 68% of our country’s containerized exports and 56% of containerized imports.
For every single day they strike it could take 6 days to catch up. Meaning just a 5 day strike could take a month to unload and load ships at ports up and down the East coasts and Gulf coasts!
The International Longshoremen's Association, representing 45,000 dockworkers from Maine to Texas at 14 different ports, contracts expire Sept 30th and they are demanding higher wages equal to other dockworker’s pay and guaranteed job security that they will not be replaced by automation and AI.
1977 was the last time they went on strike. That was long before America became dependent on foreign imports for food and necessary goods.
It’s very important to understand how critical this is given that America is now in a $36 billion dollar food trade deficit for the first time in our nation’s history.
Also, the Biden-Harris administration and Congressional out of control spending has driven inflation so high that many Americans can’t afford quality of life.
I think this situation is serious and could be a crisis going into the election, holidays, and winter depending if they strike and how long it lasts.
Retailers have been trying to stock up in preparation, but it’s always smart to be personally prepared just in case.
This is going to get interesting.
https://x.com/disrespectedthe/status/1838552278418010586 ↩pvt_channel🔸
A potential strike by dockworkers along the East and West coast, with the strike set to begin at midnight on Monday, September 30th.
This could shut down ports from Maine to Texas. Affecting roughly 60% of U.S. shipping traffic.
Up to 45,000 dock workers could be involved and even a two-week strike could impact supply chain until 2025.
https://fixupx.com/Destiny15_FL/status/1838944505761759719 ↩pvt_acct🔸
BREAKING: US East Coast Port Strike is set to start on October 1st, and this afternoon the railway stopped taking freight, fearing it might be left on the train.
This is going to create massive problems!
🔸This may hint at what could come next. "45,000 longshoremen could walk off the job Tuesday over contract negotiations."
Additionally, top trade officials at DHS tellCongress that they Biden administration sees "an over-reliance on these People's Republic of China (PRC) manufacturer cranes.
https://homeland.house.gov/2024/09/16/what-they-are-saying-joint-investigation-finds-potential-chinese-espionage-threats-to-u-s-ports/ ↩ pvt_acct🔸
The International Longshoremen's Association contract expires September 30th and they've been unable to come to terms with United States Maritime Alliance meaning a strike could begin on October 1st costing the economy a billion dollars a day.
And if that wasn't enough, this just (coincidentally) happened.
And a last minute update:
This is a word of warning! ↩pvt_acct🔸
Short but not so sweet. All contracts have to end sometime. I assume this one is of some industry standard duration. With the national interests being immensely broad - literally every man, woman, child, business, corporate entity imaginable fully invested you would be correct in assuming that the President has certain authorities to demand performance in this instance until an agreement can be reached.
If you recall Ronald Reagan did this with air traffic controllers for a spell in 1981 firing more than 11,000 who did not return to work from their strike. And earlier this term Joe Biden invoked this to continue a rail workers strike with union members fully staffing the trains in December 2022. But he is declining to pick that bat up this time. Rather interesting being one month to the (presumed not to occur) election.
But that is only about politics. The real message is timing. Other events are happening, too. Bringing our country and world to a place where we will be spinning so rapidly, we will only care about getting off of the ride. I've likely mostly expressed this directly in some comments this far, but the action and plot twists have been pushing a destruction agenda for many decades. 9/11 was a massive speed generator, and COVID/2020 election (<=combined event!) was certainly another big push for more velocity.
Like most driven things, even agendas, momentum is a different matter. I believe our controllers expected much less resistance to their plans. Especially COVID. So we managed to slow the train down by mass efforts and terrain. The train was always moving up a hill. Once we crested that rise it was always a downhill slide from there.
Thing is while we won't crest the hill this go around, we are still in sight of the top of it. The downhill might be at the caboose end instead of the engines, but it hasn't disappeared. There's only one way off the hill. And that's down. Everything will be crashing at least to some extent simply due to laws of friction and motion. We simply miss what was in store. Which is great!
But we still have to deal with what we were in the process of leaving behind. All of it with built in demolition mechanisms for transferring power to new systems. So demolition is assured but the planned new systems are blessedly beyond reach of us. This means that new ones will be created but only for those things we truly need and hopefully none for the things we don't.
This is that time. We are here in this current now. Being prepared is the message of the past few months - whether illegal rental property bandits, pet sacrificing Haitians, chemical spouting train wrecks, hurricanes (another one already on the way), exploding laboratories, etc. - we are all in for a bumpy ride on the way to a better future.
Take only the baggage you need. Leave the rest behind. Mount Doom is lurking just around the bend. Only one last task. Scene flip inbound for the sleeper cars!
I heard rumors of this coming from a friend who works in the shipping business about a month ago. Like everything else, one never knows how these things will turn but I’ve been laying in some extra stuff for awhile. I remember how the last one of these went.
45000 workers threaten to go on strike and it only hits the headlines two days before the strike date! You've got to love this movie!