Jun 11Liked by Karen Gordo

You conveyed your message expertly with this collection. I wound my way through this smiling and at the end thought about what I just looked at and went “oh shit”. Well done.

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

It's writing itself at this point. Everything out there is insane. Everything in you needs to keep that separate like the 2D media it all is. The wonder is how they ever convinced us to fall for this movie theater existence!

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Jun 10Liked by Karen Gordo

A very impressive collection of thoughts, cleverly hidden in between a bunch of memes, Karen.

It truly seems the world leaders are all in a stuper, babbling about the world needing to be saved from something or other.

Your memes hid a very sobering question, how evil can one man be,to have his Shrink commit suicide?

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Quite evil indeed. A good argument could be made for him being one of the top most dangerous beings ever on earth. The very madness says that he is completely consumed with his own skin and its condition. Nothing else matters.

There are so many memes because the meme makers are seeing so clearly right now. At least in a conventional sense. But there are a few solution oriented posts in there, too. If we can as human beings tell ourselves and then each other that it's time to turn off the VR glasses, we can end this simulation/game, and move along to real earth. All these events are for placing humanity on a moving sidewalk that exits that mad house of mirrors.

I think we made a big leap in the last week +/-. But still a ways to go. It all gets crazier and faker by the minute. Crazy fake and fake crazy! 🙃

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😃 🪖

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Jun 15Liked by Karen Gordo

The air raid siren is at Marden, in Kent, and was erected in 2014. I currently live in Kent. It is a horrible dormitory of London filled with people who sold their London hovels for enough money to buy a comfy detached house here. Downside being they have to commute an hour or more, and then back again, to arrive at their soulless email jobs. This keeps their resentment supply full. The most visible people here (by no means the majority, but numerous enough to spoil everything) are - excussez moi - loud egotistical fuck-witted war enjoyers.

The cronyvirus was a gift for them: a whole visible class of maskless people to despise, constant queueing, the sense that they were so brave to get in the car (with mask on) and pootle off to Marks And Spencer's. And working from home: no need for the commute!

The positioning of the wooden stocks alongside, also a reconstruction I guess, is a reminder of the good old days when people knew their place.

The meme with the dinosaurs captures it perfectly. Let's vote a little harder and everytrhing will be great. Or, if not, wars really bring the community together!

We English really are the world's stupidest people.

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Actually, I find Americans much more stupid. We've been doing the suburban soulless commute thing for 50 years! And we resurrected voting in the modern era. "D€m0¢πa©¥".

Glad to get the news that isn't really a current story. That's really getting to the pandemic stage. The psychiatrist story from Israel was old, too. If even true. We all try out here, but everything is pushing insanity to its limits so finding the retreads is a full time if not impossible job. But sooner than later if that siren still works it's gonna be going off. Reruns of the consciousness of every war will happen. Sirens will be a part of that if it was back when, like in Britain.

I was encouraged by the generally low turnout in the EUP elections. People are starting to get it. It will take a while to filter all the way through, but it was a good first step in that direction. The meme was mimicking their go to protection scam for their plans. When their plans get in hot water they change the face of them - not the plans themselves. It's up to us to not fall for it. Again. Starmer, Farage, 🙄. Same plans.

This movie is great for showing all of that. When the clarity comes, though, it will be more like a lightning bolt. Until then, we watch and learn so we can catch them up!

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Jun 16Liked by Karen Gordo

I'll bow to your experience of Americans Karen, for sure. I think the siren might have become topical and 'new'-seeming because of the D-Day 80th anniversary thing. Of course a war that extended over 5 years is bound to throw up at least one or two anniversaries of some kind every year for the media to clutch at and serve reheated. It's a bit like the dismal google doodles: "the 127th anniversary of the birth of some darkly complexioned composer no one ever heard of".

As for the UK election: as you say it's a rebranding exercise at best. I think I saw a tweet by a supposedly compos mentis person pretending to be Bribe'em that said something like "Democracy is sacred". The word is never defined these days, merely a "come running to the trough" signal. Like a siren I guess ;-)

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I define "democracy" as any government their hooks are fully planted in. Which at some separate points in time, included every one of them. But they are failing now worse than on Day 1, and this "democracy" scam is coming to an end. But first up is the controllers, then the scam hopefully doesn't require round two.

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That video . . . it looks like someone tried to create a wormhole.

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The reason I included it is that "sky events" - like it and even beyond - will be cropping up all over. Whether fact or fiction, they'll be used to try and irritate the nerves of people all over the globe. People even a little on edge are less likely to unite. And unity is the winning touchdown.

I have no idea what it was, whether it's manufactured or natural. For me it doesn't matter. For others it might be of paramount concern. Making that winning score is the goal. Distractions never achieve anything but failure for the distracted. And we are in a distraction bingo spinner that has only had a few balls read so far. This (and others like it) appear to be one of them.

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