Nov 17, 2023Liked by Karen Gordo

The best narrative is the one that never mentions Hamas by name (they don’t exist), forgets this war wouldn’t have happened without the biggest single day massacre of civilians since 9/11, carried out by Palestinian death squads, then reframes it as “Israel vs Palestinian civilians”.

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I think you are on the way to seeing my thinking. True that Hamas doesn't exist. But neither does Israel - except as a supramental idea or concept. If both "combatants" are conceptual what does that make the "war"?

I appreciate it's an uncomfortable premise. I don't report on the "news". I report it's fake. And hopefully to get a few to see that burdening themselves with these narrative wars has never benefited anyone but narrative (((creators))).

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Karen Gordo

Nazis are funny.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by Karen Gordo

I saw so much fakery on both sides from the start that keeping up with the news really got faster since it's been all about Israel/Gaza and I've been skipping over it all -- saturation indeed

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Only gonna get wider and faster. It's meant as much a primer for digesting all the varied "news" to come everywhere as a new "venue" standalone story. Like I said before, I'm not the kinetics/war strategy expert so many others are. But this is what I've learned...we create these narrative movies in our own consciousness based upon these faked scenes, lies, and broken data sets. I take it as effectively "control inverted" as soon as we individually "see" through the cover stories. Once the majority see, the control game is over. That's the war that is real.

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Karen Gordo

Great selection. How many did you go through? It seems like there’s no shortage of candidates.

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Well this overall collection (for all the parts) covers about two weeks. I typically use about 80% of that. I think I collected about 100 posts similar to these. I feel like that applies pretty generally to most of my work. Some just winds up being background noise or at least not quite as self evident. Since my goal is to not take up very much of your time while showing what I see happening, I get kind of selective.

I did float a "how fake does it have to get?" comment in a chat recently. Just to see (a month in) how many people there had any clue. I was called a nigger, Jew lover, a few other even more choice names. Lots of emojis on those comments. One person asked me why I thought the particular post was fake. I'm ultimately not using it in these pieces - mostly it falls in that between atrocity and gratuitous emotional impact realm. But it was instructive. These channels, of course, are war reporters. They either sincerely believe all of this is 100% a full kinetic expression of their inmost desires for at least some payback over the many decades, or are very good at hiding it. I suppose it's much more natural to believe them over a random but quiet follower, but I took some heart from the fact that they didn't ignore it. Big concepts aren't by nature an easy sell. Which is why I don't do deep expressions. A narrative war in your mind can't be won by someone else. All that someone else can effectively do is give you a weapon. Not wage the war itself.

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