Absolutely fascinating stuff, thank you. Raises such very serious questions. In this world of AI and the so-called "cloud" it is getting harder and harder to try to determine the truth of what is happening, both in our personal lives, and on the wider scene. Unfortunately the wider scene does have an impact on our personal lives, too. Wending my way through this labyrinth, I am coming to pay more attention to writers like Karen Gordo, than to the "respectable" "mainstream" press, tied up as the latter are with their connections to corporate power.

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Well ... TYVM for that endorsement! All accolades and comments of any flavor are appreciated. I have a relatively unique perspective. Lots of people think I'm much more loony than not. But I didn't even start this endeavor without a great deal of conviction.

It is truly what I see. Theatrical productions on repeat (for waking people up) and characters/roles not "persons" as we think of them. That's why so many seem two dimensional and even oblivious to public opinion. But there's no doubt at all the scripts just keep getting reused.

I hope you keep enjoying my columns. I don't even call it work. Any questions ever - I am very accessible! I can be irreverent if you haven't noticed - but I save that for the texts!

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Three helicopters on route to the same place, and the one that goes down is the one that's carrying Raisi. That's some (good or bad) luck there. *wink*

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Doubtful luck had anything to do with it. We only have the Iranian officials word that a pilot parachuted pout and an empty helicopter crashed. No footage or passenger manifests for the other two copters. No real proof of bodies recovered. Could all be narrative. Once I get what I think will be all the digital information, ill do a piece on that. But wanted to put out what we could clearly see! So far.

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May 22Liked by Karen Gordo

So many questions as to this story. Why were they flying someone like that around in an old Bell helicopter? I get the part about sanctions affecting parts availability but Iran had allies that could have sold them a new helicopter. I doubt Putin and Xi fly around in American built units.

I was trying to loosely follow the story as it was unfolding and took note of the varying narrative used by different outlets. I first heard the “hard landing “ version, then the next versions used crash. I’m not sure why they made this journey because of reasons stated. I’ve flown in helicopters a bit in my life. I was always somewhat apprehensive even in good conditions.

It will be interesting to see what information follows…if any. We could be just on to the next thing as there’s no shortage of next things these days. There’s a lot going on and I’m falling behind. Fortunately I have you to keep up with things.

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There is also a lot of just flat out contradictory information still, too. I'm pretty sure this was a narrative to cover up whatever really happened. But when everything else is narrative it just begets more narrative to keep the story straight.

Destabilizing the ME is imperative to the globalists. So it will happen. By any means necessary. There might be enough to put out by the weekend. But what I am sure of is that the story will unfold at some point. Especially if either the Americans or Israelis did it. Who are technically one and the same and becoming Siamese twins in public opinion rapidly.

For the moment, the mirrors to the Prigozhin crash are crazy and sufficient to keep it on our watch list.

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May 23Liked by Karen Gordo

Vanessa Beeley posted an Iranian interview from something called The Cradle on her Substack. It’s with a guy who was in one of the other helicopters. Take a listen if you get a minute.

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I follow Cradle. I may have seen it - a convo between helicopters just before the crash. I'll check to make sure there's not more! Thanks!

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May 23Liked by Karen Gordo

This was a description of events from a guy who was on the third helicopter and a news guy.

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May 23·edited May 23Author

Checked both channels. Only thing I found was a transcript of an interview with the Chief of Staff who was in the 3rd helicopter. I had grabbed that one before somewhere else. It was from Fortros. But I'll keep an eye out on those channels unless it's just not posted yet.

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May 23Liked by Karen Gordo

Let me know what you think.

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