Just six weeks ago we were watching Donald Trump evading a bullet meant for his head. This week we had to endure an entire barrage of them aimed for ours. AKA, the 2024 DNC.
In some respects, it was a total wipeout. None of the hype ever really materialized. The examples of band aids holding together this Ship of Fools weren't as glaring as usual. (Not missing entirely; just not covering everything.) And then the horror of all horrors happened as soon as it was over. Thus we are treating the entire week as one composite event - hopefully you will see why at the end.
I'm going to first present all of the events exterior to the convention venue. I believe we all expected this to get bigger and badder than it turned out to become. But still worth consideration because the overall picture is the only accurate one. But first just a few lead up examples of the surge in popularity for our very own OP girl, Kamala! As a baseline…
And now you know why the cameras never panned right ↩t.me/Jack_Posobiec🔸
Kamala Harris unveils bloated economic plan, some say filled with pipe dreams— NY Post
Harris-Walz campaign economy would include a whopping $1.7T in handouts and a federal ban on grocery store ‘price gouging’.
The US VP spoke to voters on Friday announcing her new economic plan to help those struggling in the current Biden-Harris economy ironically. Harris blamed the high grocery prices on the supply chain disruption during the pandemic.
How long is the ‘pandemic’ excuse going to work?
#HarrisWalz - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
- BlackRock buys up all the homes
- Democrats offer a $25k down payment
- BlackRock skyrockets home prices and pockets your $25k down payment
- You get kicked out of your home thanks to inflated interest rates
That’s called Money laundering on a major league level
Wall Street Apes
And to our outside action:

Chicago getting set for DNC protests, here’s a rundown of what to expect
Protest groups have been gearing up for months to take advantage of the attention coming to Chicago.
They have planned at least seven large demonstrations, with more rallies unsanctioned by the city likely to come.
The DNC protests will start a full day before the United Center even opens.
https://www.chicagotribune.com/2024/08/16/chicago-dnc-protests/ ↩t.me/inmagnaexcitatio🔸
The #protests in #Chicago for the Democratic National Convention have begun as 100,000 protesters are expected to show up.
100,000 anti-Israel protesters are migrating to Chicago this week to protest Kamala Harris and the Democratic party. The DNC is hoping that the walls will keep them safe.
Businesses in Chicago board up as the prepare for the Democratic Convention.
https://x.com/amuse/status/1824836429555421663?t=kIHITGqJZuAd0991VHEIzQ&s=19 ↩t.me/gratefulpatriot🔸
H/T Steve - maybe a good time for the Federalized National Guard to step in. 😀 https://x.com/chiIIum/status/1825108930873204927 ↩t.me/TheScrollOfBenjamin🔸

They only gave them 7 porta potties for all those 1000x of people 😃😄 I hope they are wearing diapers!
And hmmm…did Chicago adopt a new mass arrest policy prior to the DNC? That's surprising.
Also according to them Jesus is Palestinian & Essene Jew. 🤔 Interesting they are having prayer together too. I genuinely hope they have a Divine encounter like Paul did! Radically change their lives Jesus!! ↩private account🔸

We are now at 61,001 foreign antifa and over 27,012 domestic antifa in the Chicago area! (Overlay = device was present at 3 or more antifa protests/riots.)
The average antifa ‘soldier’ comes from white, wealthy, globalist elite families based in Europe and the U.S., the top 1% of the 1%ers, most from straight up globalist families.
154 of these devices linked to 10 or more antifa protests/riots have also visited keycard required FBI/DOJ parking garages in Washington, DC. in the past 6 months. Additionally, 9 were also present at 2 or more Patriot Front marches.
https://gab.com/Nea/posts/112984783856220323 ↩t.me/inmagnaexcitatio🔸
The protests have commenced https://www.youtube.com/live/HuwSPutCQ68?si=hWbSKLlZowvChWJN ↩t.me/realKarliBonne🔸
Lindsey Graham is stabbing Donald Trump in the back. "Donald Trump the provocateur, the showman, may not win this election." ↩t.me/CultureWarRoom🔸
Wowza! Expected attendees for the DNC (inside seating is 50,000) to put that into perspective. H/T Dave
https://x.com/TonySeruga/status/1825601611642843398 ⤴↩t.me/TheScrollOfBenjamin🔸
- Trump War Room ↩t.me/WeTheMedia🔸

⚡️🇺🇸 Currently, in Chicago, USA, the Democratic national Convention is on-going, security measures are in place, but there is no sign of disorder or full scale riots at the moment, several people are protesting at the convention, including Muslims, Communists, Anti-War groups, Black Nationalist groups, LGBT groups, and so on.
The opposition and most groups who are protesting against the DNC are exercising their constitutional right and have not done any shenanigans so far.
↩private account🔸
Talk about local representation?
BLM Los Angeles sends their top anarchist disruptors to Chicago.
Ukrainian dirtbag ‘Lil’ Ricci Sergienko, leader of a California-based hate group, is in Chicago to disrupt the DNC.
Sergienko previously disrupted political LA candidate forums and city council meetings. He was recently ordered by court to stay away from local elected officials. ↩t.me/police_frequency🔸

More protesters outside than attendees DNC. ↩t.me/L_oki2🔸
A protester was seen carrying a bat at the Chicago DNC protest. ↩t.me/toresaysPlus🔸
‘How low can they go?’: DNC unveils an 18-foot-tall inflatable ‘IUD’ named 'Freeda Womb'
Attendees of the DNC will be able to get a free abortion or vasectomy.
It actually looks like a …
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
❗DNC bomb threats: 'antisemitic' warnings and pipe bombs in hotels
The Democratic National Convention was hit with a security scare on Tuesday as cops investigated multiple bomb threats in downtown Chicago. Several hotels near the convention reported getting statements that sparked searches from the police.
The threats said pipe bombs had been placed in hotels, local media reported. The threats mentioned the four-day DNC happening at the United Center and made 'antisemitic statements'.
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
❗DNC bomb threats: 'antisemitic' warnings and pipe bombs in hotels
The Democratic National Convention was hit with a security scare on Tuesday as cops investigated multiple bomb threats in downtown Chicago. Several hotels near the convention reported getting statements that sparked searches from the police.
The threats said pipe bombs had been placed in hotels, local media reported. The threats mentioned the four-day DNC happening at the United Center and made 'antisemitic statements.'
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
❗Thousands demand Gaza ceasefire as DNC continues in Chicago
Crowds continue to grow outside of the Democratic National Convention as Kamala Harris prepares to give her biggest speech ever, tonight.
Yet, the Harris-Walz campaign canceled a Palestinian speaker.
So much for freedom of speech…
#HarrisWalz #Gaza - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
🇺🇸🇵🇸❌🇺🇸 — Video: Cornel West (Democratic Socialists of America Presidenetial Candidate), Hawk Newsome (one of BLM co-founders) and Chivona Newsome (one of BLM co-founders) hold press conference outside of the DNC in Chicago, demanding that Kamala Harris listen to needs of Black Americans
"No Black Agenda - No Vote!"
"Reparations now!"
🔗 Oliya Scootercaster 🛴 (@ScooterCasterNY) ↩t.me/BellumActaNews🔸
— 🇺🇸 WATCH: DNC attendees and delegates cover their ears when protestors call out the names of Palestinian children killed by Israel. Twitter users have claimed that the two black men in this video are convicted felons.
▶️ Mass protests greet Democratic Party's coronation of Kamala Harris
Ramin Mazaheri reports from Chicago.
#KamalaHarris #DNC
#Live #Abortions Outside The #DNC ‼️ #PlannedParenthood ↩t.me/bagelsandshadeshow🔸
🔸Report: Bomb Threats Target 4 Chicago Hotels Near DNC https://oann.com/report:-bomb-threats-target-4-chicago-hotels-near-dnc
https://rumble.com/v5bjg85-elvis-presley-heartbreak-hotel.html ↩private account🔸
DNC Day 2- I’m currently outside of the Planned Parenthood “mobile health clinic” that patients are actively walking in and out of.
So far I’ve watched 1 male patient and 3 female patients enter the truck.
Patients pre-registered to receive abortion pills or vasectomies with Planned Parenthood filling up every appointment slot.
I tried to interview a patient as she left but I was quickly stopped by the Planned Parenthood staffers
https://x.com/sav_says_/status/1825967548996755503?t=kxk7rGkXzX7AQCRYShriEg&s=19. ↩t.me/Qrashthematrix🔸
🔸The 2020 #DNC Supporters Are Outside Protesting The 2024 #DNC
What A Difference 4 Years Makes ↩private account🔸
🔵🇺🇸 The Respectful & Professional DNC: “Hotties for Harris” at the DNC featuring Plan B, pregnancy tests, a wall of weirdos, and a wall of hotties.
Like we’re still in High School. And “Republicans are weird❓” ↩t.me/followsthewhiterabbit🔸
BREAKING: Chaotic scene as protesters attempt to march towards the DNC, with police pushing the crowd back here in Chicago🔸
Happening Now: Protesters gathering in Union Park on the final day of the DNC in Chicago
All in all, I have a feeling the Democrats are rather disappointed with the outside performers. Other than hiring an entire gaggle of circuses, it seemed pretty tame. I'm sure everyday Chicago is glad to pass that calendar spot in such tame fashion. But by Monday, no one will even remember it happened except for the guys hauling off the plywood from businesses reopening with gratitude.
So let's actually quickly run through the actual convention. It wasn't even as interesting as that above. If you didn't watch, congratulations. You're the grand prize winner!
DNC convention in Chicago
Can ya feel it?
A shift maybe? ↩t.me/L_oki2🔸
🔸⚡️🇺🇸 This evening (Monday night) starts the Democratic Nominee Convention in Chicago, IL. The lineup includes:
Monday speakers:
• Sitting U.S President Joe Biden
• Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Tuesday speaker:
• Former U.S President Barack Obama
Wednesday Speaker:
• Former U.S President Bill Clinton
Thursday Speaker: De-Facto Democrat Nominee for U.S President, Kamala Harris
It is to be noted that an alleged “Tens of Thousands” will be protesting the DNC, and it is rather peculiar that President Biden doesn’t get a whole day to speak, unlike other sitting Democratic-party presidents in years’ past..
And in an effort to further drum up crowds, and no this is not a joke, the Democratic Party has provided a partnership with the local Planned Parenthood clinic where attendees can receive a vasectomy or abortion for free. This just pales in comparison to what the Harris-Walz campaign has done so far; outright hijacking pop concerts to try and pawn them off as campaign rallies.
↩private account🔸
Biden’s final swan song to the DNC will be it, he’s taking off to California
After his night-time speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), in which he is expected to “pass the baton” onto Vice President Kamala Harris, 59, Biden, 81, will trek out to Santa Ynez, California, where he will stay until Sunday, according to the White House schedule.
The timing of his reported family vacation means that the highest-ranking elected Democrat in the country won’t be present for the remainder of his party’s convention this week. Supposedly this is so he won't outshine Kamala Harris.
Who blames him?
#Biden - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
The DNC is nearly empty.
The crowd is scattered and uninspired.
The speakers are incompetent and cringy.
The difference between the RNC and DNC is apparent.
All the internet and media hype was fake.🔸
🔸I’m watching CNN’s coverage to observe the Left’s talking points.
The MSM talking heads seem very timid and almost anxious. Like they know something bad is about to happen.
Tapper and his panel were admitting that Biden might still be more popular than Kamala.
Weird vibes. ↩t.me/bioclandestine🔸
US President Joe Biden’s funeral procession has begun
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
They do this for all sports and major events.
Dammmm. ↩t.me/realKarliBonne🔸
AOC Conjures Up New Dramatic Southern Accent During DNC Speech
New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is the latest Democrat to debut an awkward new dramatic southern accent when giving her speech during the first day of the Democratic National Convention.🔸
🔸The DNC crowd is chanting “frazzledrip” as Hillary Clinton takes the stage.
https://x.com/shanecashman/status/1825718220147544542?s=52. ↩t.me/TheScrollOfBenjamin🔸
⚡️Former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton gets a standing ovation for 2 minutes
For what?
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
Hillary hates on Trump stirring up the DNC with chants: ‘Lock him up!’
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
Kamala Harris thanks Joe Biden for his "historic leadership." #DNC #Harris #Biden #BBCNews ↩t.me/BBCnewsvideos🔸
President Biden takes the stage and relives inauguration day 2020
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
’81 million voters, voted for us… More than any time in all of history’ — President Biden
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
There’s angry Joe, one last time
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
‘Women are not allowed electricallal are not allowed without are not electrical… electoral…’ — Biden
One more glitch for the win…
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
ICYMI: ‘Stop Arming Israel’ banner tactically blocked out with ‘We love Joe’ chants at DNC
On the opening day of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, a group attempted to display a "Stop Arming Israel" banner, prompting a scrambled counter-response from the crowd chanting "We Love Joe."
Convention staff quickly intervened, blocking the banner with "USA" and "We Love Joe" signs and ultimately removing the banner.
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
NBC News is concerned that Kamala's hype might falter when she finally faces an unscripted interview: "When does the Harris honeymoon end?"
"At some point, she will have to do a serious interview. She's going to have to go unscripted. Maybe even a full news conference. It has to happen."
"Yesterday, reporters asked her how she was going to pay for her economic plan. She didn't really make a lot of sense. She kept repeating that it would be a return on investment, saying it four times."
"It just wasn't really strong. You can tell she's a little rusty when she's not on her teleprompter. And she hasn't always done well in the past when it's a one-on-one."
A @newsbusters study today revealed that Harris’s coverage on ABC, CBS, and NBC has been 84% positive, while Trump’s has been 89% negative.
Even with the corporate media acting as a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, Harris is still hesitant to do an unscripted interview.
What does that say about her as a person?
The DNC is RACIST!!!! ↩t.me/freedomforcebattalion🔸
💢“In many ways, attending the Democratic National Convention as a Republican is like stepping through a portal in time to the Democratic Party of old.
For example, I vividly recall a time when Democrats supported border fencing. In 2013, every Senate Democrat voted for a bill that required the construction of 700 miles of fencing along the southern border — until Donald Trump came along and lengthy border barriers became anathema for Democrats.
Well, guess what? Here in Chicago, Democrats are using miles of fencing to secure the border surrounding the United Center to keep anti-Israel protesters out. They’ve suddenly rediscovered that fences work!
In fact, they’ve added additional layers of fencing after protesters succeed in breaching the first layer. If they were as efficient in securing the southern border as they are in securing their convention, border security might not be competing with the economy as the top issue for voters in the 2024 election.
I also recall a time when Democrats had no problem with voter ID. In the 1990s, they thought the best way to increase the number of voters was to have them register when they applied for driver’s licenses and state IDs, so Bill Clinton signed the 1993 “Motor Voter” law. In 2014, Clinton endorsed the idea of adding photos to Social Security cards to make it easier for minority voters who don’t have other forms of ID to vote.
But in 2022, Biden accused Republicanswho oppose Democratic efforts to pass legislation that would eliminate state voter ID laws of standing with George Wallace, Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis. Well, guess what? Delegates can’t get into the Democratic National Convention to vote for their nominee without an ID. In fact, they need a special Secret Service photo ID just to get past the perimeter, and then more credentials to access the arena, and even more to reach the convention floor. So, Democrats think it’s fine to require ID for delegates to choose their nominee, but not for Americans to vote for president of the United States.
But there is one area where the Chicago Democrats bear no resemblance to the Democratic Party of old. I remember a day when Democrats used to treat abortion as a necessary evil that should, in Clinton’s famous phrase, be “safe, legal and rare.” But here in Chicago, abortion is something to be celebrated.
Democrats dedicated much of the first night of the convention to abortion. Harris, their nominee, became the first vice president to campaign by visiting an abortion clinic. And Planned Parenthood actually has a mobile van set up outside the convention that is providing free abortions and vasectomies for those who want them. You read that right: If you come to the DNC, not only can you call for greater abortion access, but you can actually get one, too.
Which just goes to show — despite the concessions to reality on fences, police and voter ID for the Democratic elites’ personal comfort at the convention — this still isn’t your father’s Democratic Party.”
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/08/21/democratic-convention-security-police-abortion/ ↩t.me/NewResistance🔸
🇺🇸⚡️- The first night of the DNC has gone on so long that CSPAN ended its livestream expecting it to be over by 11:00PM ↩t.me/rnintel🔸
DNC Day 1 summed up! ↩t.me/Aq701🔸
I watched the DNC for over 6 hours yesterday.
All I gathered was that they love abortions, and that they are obsessed with hating Trump.
The entire convention was:
-orange man bad
No policy. No “Joy.” Just hate for Trump and unborn babies. ↩t.me/bioclandestine🔸
My friend, Nina, sent me this link about the goofy use of the word “joy” that has been overused in lefty propaganda. Nothing they do is original. Everything is taken from elsewhere.
https://x.com/Unexplained2020/status/1826901047794655697 ↩t.me/TheScrollOfBenjamin🔸
“The project’s work has begun winding down in recent weeks. But Democrats in Chicago this week remained steadfast in their efforts to sound the alarm and publicly link Trump to the project’s plans.” ↩private account🔸
[Free] Michelle Obama Says Presidency Could Be a ‘Black Job’ #숏에서
In her #DNC speech, former First Lady Michelle #오바마는 the presidency “might be just one of those Black jobs” that Donald Trump…
🌐 More real-time news at trenue.com ↩t.me/technews_trenue🔸
Michelle Obama references Donald Trump's "black job" comment at DNC. #DNC #BBCNews
Barack and Michelle Obama delivered blistering critiques of Republican nominee Donald Trump while painting Vice President Kamala Harris as the heir of their historic political legacy in addresses that capped the second night of the Democratic National Convention.
They said the groundbreaking candidacy of the first woman of color to lead a major party presidential ticket had returned joy and hope to national politics.
Tap the link in bio for more. | Bloomberg🔸
"Meet a 78-year-old billionaire who continues to complain about his issues."
Michelle and Barack Obama gave consecutive speeches on the second day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago.
They expressed their support for Kamala Harris, criticized Donald Trump, and urged Democrats to ensure they vote, warning that the upcoming election in November will be tightly contested.
Click the link in @BBCNews's biography for additional highlights from the DNC's second day.
➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⤴↩t.me/Motivations_Quote🔸
Let's take a mid convention break here for some developments, activities, and announcements that didn't go quite as well as the above is desperately trying to cover for. Then we'll come back for the exciting finish!
BREAKING: Influencer Zop confirms that the Kamala Harris campaign offered his TikTok friends "free stuff" to attend the DNC and create content.
Kamala Harris refuses Trump debate on Fox News
The Republican nominee was less than impressed by the VP giving him the cold shoulder, saying: “Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th.”
He added, “I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record-setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything."
Is she running scared?
#Trump #Harris - t.me/MTodayNews🔸

🇺🇸🗽I've seen this birth certificate photo before on X/FB. Two different birth certificates? One unearthed now, the other quietly brushed aside in 2020. If this is real, what does it mean for Kamala's eligibility? Why wasn’t this revealed sooner? 🤔
Interesting that neither Kamala Harris nor her team have ever addressed the 2020 certificate scandal. All we got were social media 'fact-checks' and biased outlets brushing it off. 🤔
The 2020 document? Just a registry entry copy conveniently dated August 14, 2020, courtesy of California’s clerk-recorder office. Considering Kamala’s long tenure as a California Senator and Attorney General, one has to wonder—how easy would it be for someone in her position to 'correct' or even 'create' a record?
Is it time we start asking the hard questions?
🔸⚡️🇺🇸 US Congress has stated that they are “fine” with Vice President and Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris not releasing any policy stances until AFTER she is elected as President of the United States of America.
Despite the limited powers of the Vice President, the multitude of things that she has mentioned in circular debate methods in interviews and at her multiple failed rallies, could easily be tackled right now; but in typical American 2-party fashion, they will continue to dangle things over the voter’s head in an effort to secure the vote.
https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/24/politics/fact-check-harris-project-2025-trump/index.html ↩private account🔸
The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom
Our dying republic.
We are trapped in a political matrix intended to sustain the illusion that we are citizens of a constitutional republic.
Read here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/political-matrix-sustains-illusion-freedom/5865785🔸
The DNC Fiddles While the World Burns. “An Orwellian disconnect haunts the 2024 Democratic National Convention”
An Orwellian disconnect haunts the 2024 Democratic National Convention. In the isolation of the convention hall, shielded from the outside world behind thousands of armed police, few of the delegates seem to realize that their country is on the brink of direct involvement in major wars with Russia and Iran, either of which could escalate into World War III.
Read here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/dnc-fiddles-world-burns/5865874🔸
⚡️Trump issues statement after US employment falls by 818,000 in latest government revision
Trump: PADDED THE NUMBERS with an extra 818,000 Jobs that DO NOT EXIST…
How bad has Bidenomics wrecked America?
#Trump - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
🥹Meanwhile, at the DNC:
The FBI has launched an investigation into whether maggots were deliberately slipped into the breakfasts of delegates at the Democratic National Convention.
Law enforcement swarmed the Fairmont Hotel in downtown Chicago on Wednesday following reports of the insect attack.
Indiana delegate Tracy Boyd told WGNTV: 'They protected us, of course, and turned it around in minutes.'
Indiana delegate Tracy Boyd told WGNTV: 'They protected us, of course, and turned it around in minutes'
READ | XPOST ↩t.me/WeTheMedia🔸
The DNC, according to The Spectator.
📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
📱 InfoDefense🔸
“Let’s go crazy” tribute to Prince 💜👊🏼🥴 ↩private account🔸
Someone pinch me… Did I hear this right?
The DNC is trying to put male figures out there who appeal to Soy-boys with low testosterone?
https://rumble.com/v5byehm-the-dnc-is-putting-men-who-appeal-to-low-testosterone-men-.html ↩t.me/candlesinthenight🔸
Since when did Chris Cuomo become a populist? Probably since the people in those boxes screwed him over.
Rapidly 💥
CHICAGO — Former President Bill Clintonspoke with a raspy voice and said he may be unable to attend future Democratic conventions in a Wednesday night speech to delegates — as stunned viewers noted his hands trembling during his remarks.
Clinton, 78, served as a warm-up act for vice presidential nominee Tim Walz — along with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro — while repeatedly reflecting upon his own mortality.
https://nypost.com/2024/08/21/us-news/bill-clinton-says-he-may-be-unable-to-speak-at-future-dncs-as-hands-tremble-on-stage/ ↩t.me/decoderXX🔸
Undercover at the DNC convention for two days. They had no idea. Full video drops tomorrow. Stay tuned. #DNCExposed
CNN actually did the right thing.
Donald Trump did not write Project 2025.
↩t.me/GenWarz 🦅🇺🇸
Pro-Kamala Muslim group flops after Palestinians snubbed at DNC
The group "Muslim Women for Harris-Walz" disbanded after a Palestinian American speaker was denied a slot at the Democratic National Convention.
Pro-Palestine ‘Uncommitted’ movement delegates began a sit-in outside the convention center in protest, demanding that Vice President Kamala Harris support an arms embargo on Israel and back a permanent ceasefire.
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
There's no doubt that Kamala Harris is an NPC.
Here is the newsweek article it originates from https://www.newsweek.com/biden-nuclear-security-official-called-queering-nuclear-weapons-1942872🔸
The dumbass that wrote the policy paper 🤦♂️
Nair co-authored a piece titled Queering nuclear weapons: How LGBTQ+ inclusion strengthens security and reshapes disarmament which was published in June 2023 by the influential Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a magazine which focuses on the threats to humanity from emerging technologies. She was appointed to the Department of Energy under the Biden administration in February 2024. ⤴↩private accounts🔸
Harris’s campaign has been criticized for not having the vice president hold a press conference or sit down for a formal interview with the media.
So far, Harris has yet to explain what her policy agenda would be as president.
I guess the puppet master behind the curtain hasn’t told her what to say yet. . 🤷♂️
https://slaynews.com/news/dnc-attendees-cant-name-single-harris-policy-video-dont-know/ ↩t.me/DMPatriot17🔸
(And one off site page turner?)
Another page turner🌊
Fences going up for the inauguration per Nancy Drew's visit to the Capital today..
A little early🤔 ↩t.me/CaptKylePatriots🔸
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Speaker at the DNC: "We need to un-f*ck our economy."
Who does she think has spent 3.5 years f*cking our economy??? ↩t.me/realKarliBonne🔸
Oprah Winfrey
“A white way to worship…” ↩t.me/candlesinthenight🔸
Oprah - net worth $3 billion - lectures the DNC on ‘racism, sexism, and income inequality’
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
⚡️Kamala Harris takes the stage at the DNC, her biggest speech to date
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
❗VP Kamala Harris just accepted the nomination of the Democratic party for president
She’s already talking about a ‘peaceful transfer of power’.
You have to win first…
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
❗‘In many ways Donald Trump is an unserious man… But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House is extremely serious’ — Kamala Harris
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
❗Donald Trump responded immediately to Kamala
#DNC #Trump - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
An underwhelming speech full of lies, false promises, and BS. ↩t.me/joeoltmann🔸
“An opportunity to forge a new path ahead.”
Kamala Harris received the Democratic nomination for president at the DNC, urging Americans to “overcome the hostility, skepticism, and contentious conflicts of previous times.”
Click the link in @BBCNews’s bio to discover more of Harris's remarks from her address.
#USElection #DNC #BBCNews
BBC News by ASM Channels🔸
Vice President Kamala Harris formally accepted the Democratic presidential nomination on Thursday, delivering a deeply personal speech as she vowed to prioritize a fight for the middle class and Americans’ reproductive rights. Tap the link in bio for more. | Bloomberg by ASM Channels🔸
The After Party was pretty dark.
“That’s why they have these conventions, they need you to make a covenant with them to move forward…It’s an exercise to participate in your own doom.” (1 min, 9 sec)
↩t.me/davidavocadowolfe 🥑
These are the Dems who deserve an Oscar for the fake, all-an-act convention
The Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week was one heck of a production. Less like a normal political convention and more like a glitzy Hollywood one.
With a host of A-list celebrities and B-list politicians, it felt most like the Oscars.
So in honor of this, the Academy would like to hand out a set of awards for the best performances in Chicago this week:
Best Actress — Nancy Pelosi
Best Supporting Actress — Hillary Clinton
Best Actor — Bill Clinton
Best Supporting Actor — Cardinal Blase Cupich
Lifetime achievement award — Oprah Winfrey
Best animated feature — Joe Biden
Best Picture — Teresa Woorman
Special Effects — The Democratic National Committee
READ | XPOST ↩t.me/WeTheMedia🔸
"Another disgruntled viewer is protesting and chanting 'where's Beyoncé?'" X said another user.
After watching the #DNC2024 #DNCCconvention on Thursday and hearing Kamala Harris perform I'm thinking...where was Beyoncé? -
complained another. "Democrats have announced that Beyonce and/or Taylor Swift will be at #DNC , a disappointing conclusion after teasing promises of quality entertainment. :D
"God, that was fast. They went from celebrating to lying about Beyoncé. But they're lying again," said another.
"I want to fight whoever started these rumors about Beyoncé," shouted another, adding: "Cancel TMZ."😁
"You had to lie about Beyoncé to get people to watch this crap," another X user wrote in response to a left-wing podcaster who claimed, "We didn't need Beyoncé. We had Kamala."
"You are sick and it cost me everything.
After you told me Beyoncé was going to perform, I trusted her and placed my bets. I bet almost $575,000 on it and lost all my savings.😁
My wife is screaming and my children are crying. TMZ. You are done with me. I will lose my home and family. I have nothing but contempt for you,' said the other.
"Damn liar," said another. "Throughout the news today they were saying there was going to be a special guest, maybe Beyoncé or Taylor Swift... they lied to get people to watch... they just go so far as to show that they lie about everything... scumbags."
They even lied to Beyoncé so people wouldn't leave early, -
“They lied about Beyoncé's DNC speech tonight because they knew it was the only way to get anyone. 😁It's a shame, said another.
"The DNC intentionally started rumors that Beyoncé would be speaking at #DNCCCconvention2024 so people would know she was never scheduled to speak," said film producer Tariq Nasheed.
"I see two scenarios," wrote another user." 1. TMZ was caught trying to break the news. 2. TMZ coordinated certain parties to share the news in hopes of attracting viewers. Both options are problematic." 😁 https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2024/08/22/dnc- fail-viewers-rage-after-false-reports-of-beyonce-performance-fcking-liars-lied-to-get-people-to-watch/ ↩t.me/beqanews🔸
There were a few moments of totally awful reality dawning as well.
Former Democrat Campaign Worker
Speaks out after attending the DNC. ↩t.me/toresaysPlus🔸

Out of stories?: Washington Post highlights worst fashion in history at the DNC
As “Democracy Dies in Darkness” WaPo published a “cringe compilation” of sorts, showcasing the ghastly get-ups worn by attendees of last week’s Democratic National Convention.
Intended to showcase “the pop culture energy around Vice President Kamala Harris,” the photos better illustrate what a fashion sense hospice might resemble.
Looking embarrassing in public is… brat?
#DNC - t.me/MTodayNews🔸
Some of the memes were brutal.
oh no it’s all over!
Megan says we can’t even compete with the amazing DNC2024!
what do we do now folks?
🤣🤣🤣🤣 ↩t.me/Voltron4444🔸
Article 🔗 ↩t.me/defenderoftherepublic22🔸

Foreign agent Kamala ‘Smirnoff’ Harris has been outed
Memes crediting her love of vodka and drinking are running rampant.
Could she last one night in Moscow??
#Kamala #ForeignAgent
This is the genius’ communist plan in a nut shell!! ↩t.me/bioclandestine🔸
As you almost assuredly already know within hours of this hellish exhibition, rumors began to swirl that RFK, Jr. was dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump. Within another few that news got even better. It all started though with this first video the afternoon before Kamala’s entreaty for likes and giggles.
DNC is pure evil
And then the rumors separated into facts:
💢 RFK Jr.'s Trump Endorsement Speech - Highlights -
Pt. 1 'A Eulogy for the Democratic Party':
I began this journey as a Democrat, the party of my father, my uncle, the party which I pledge my own allegiance to long before I was old enough to vote.
I attended my first democratic convention at the age of six in 1960, and back then the Democrats were the champions of the Constitution, of civil rights, the Democrats stood against authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, imperialism and unjust wars.
We were the party of Labor of the working class. The Democrats were the
party of government transparency and the champion of the environment. Our party was the bulwark against big money interests and corporate power. True to its name, it was the party of democracy.
As you know I left that party in October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with it had become the party of War, censorship, corruption, big Pharma, big Tech, big ag(riculture) and big money. When it abandoned democracy by cancelling the primary to conceal the cognitive decline of the sitting president I left the party to
run as an independent."
August 23, 2024🔸
💢 RFK Jr.'s Trump Endorsement Speech - Highlights -
Pt. 2 'The Democratic Party is the Enemy of Democracy - Harris has No Legitimacy':
"I'm sorry to say that while democracy may still be alive at the Grassroots it has become little more than a slogan for our political institutions, for our media, and for our government, and most sadly of all for me, the Democratic Party.
In the name of saving democracy, the Democratic party set itself to dismantling it. Lacking confidence in its candidate - that its candidate could win in a fair election at the voting booth, the DNC waged continual legal Warfare against both president Trump and myself."
"[T]he DNC dragged us into court state after State attempting to erase their (volunteers) work and to subvert the will of the voters who had signed those petitions it deployed DNC align judges to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and to throw president Trump in jail.
It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge to President Biden then when a predictably bungled debate performance precipitated the palace coup against President Biden.
The same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor, also without an election. They installed a candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.
My uncle and my father both relished in and they prided themselves on their capacity to go toe-to-toe with any opponent in the battle over ideas. They would be astonished to learn of a Democratic party Presidential nominee who, like vice president Harris, has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days.
This is profoundly undemocratic. How are people to choose, when they don't know whom they are choosing?
And how can this look to the rest of the world?"
August 23, 2024🔸
💢 RFK Jr.'s Trump Endorsement Speech - Highlights -
Pt. 3 'Trump Has More Legitimacy than Biden or Harris':
"The DNC and its media organs
engineered a surge of popularity for vice president Harris based upon, well,
No policies, no interviews, no debates, only smoke and mirrors, and balloons in a highly produced Chicago circus.
There in Chicago, a string of Democratic speakers mentioned Donald Trump 147 times just on the first day.
Oh, who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?
In contrast, at the RNC convention, President Biden was mentioned only twice in 4 days.
I do interviews every day. Many of you have interviewed me, anybody who asks, gets to interview me. Some days I do as many as 10.
President Trump, who actually was nominated and won an
election, also does interviews daily.
How did the Democratic party
choose a candidate that has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle?
We know the answers.
They did it by weaponizing the government agencies.
They did it by abandoning
They did it by suing the opposition, and by disenfranchising American voters.
What most alarms me isn't how the Democratic party conducts its Internal Affairs or runs its candidates. What alarms me is their resorting to censorship and media control, and the weaponization of the federal agencies.
When a US president colludes
with, or outright coerces media companies to censor political speech, it's an attack on our
most sacred right: free expression.
And that's the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest."
August 23, 2024🔸
🔸💢 Kennedy, Vance - It's like having two VP candidates, each as a Trump surrogate, reaching both city and country alike.
XF ⤴↩t.me/NewResistance🔸
🔸The transcript of RFK Jr.’s speech. Authentic and inspiring.
https://im1776.com/2024/08/24/rfk-address-to-the-nation/ ↩t.me/techno_fog🔸
RFK Jr. SHOCKS mainstream media reporters by formally saying the Democrat party is now a party of corruption, big tech, big donors, etc
This is history
GEORGE ↩t.me/toresaysPlus🔸
RFK Jr broke the Washington Post 😂
CNN is actively promoting the idea that Kennedy Jr.'s defection to Trump's side will not make a difference.
This is one of the most vulgar things I've ever seen in politics. This is the lowest point because Robert Kennedy Jr. was essentially bargaining to see who would pay the most to get his support.
That is, he wants to show that Donald Trump did him a favor for a favor and is going to appoint him to his administration. But Kamala Harris did not give him the time he deserved, and she did the right thing. Robert Kennedy is a very strange guy in general,
“said CNN senior political correspondent Ana Navarro.
The host echoed her sentiments in every possible way, and at the end added that Kennedy Jr. is a conspiracy theorist and a staunch opponent of vaccinations.
I chased you for three days to tell you how indifferent I am to you.
Of course now that he’s on Trump’s side. They are so desperate🔸
Recognize what you are watching. Days after the assassination attempt on Trump, where Trump's "Fight! Fight! Fight!" heroic response was dominating the news headlines, the largest IT collapse in history (Crowdstrike) was unleashed to change the news headlines. Fast forward a few weeks. As the corporate media is fawning over the wholly inauthentic DNC convention, Trump and RFK Jr. roll out their tag team announcement that nullifies the entire media celebration of the DNC. What you are watching unfolding is NARRATIVE NEUTRALIZATION in the info war, with much more yet to come.
~ Health Ranger on X. ↩t.me/ThePatriotAU🔸
(And, the more the merrier?)
Not sure if this is for real but it’s funny either way.🔸
🤣 t.me/defenderoftherepublic22🔸
Can you sense what’s next?
-Trump and RFK Jr. joined forces, and are all-in on cleansing the Deep State.
-Elon endorsed Trump, and is willing to serve in Trump’s administration.
-Trump is back to mean-tweeting.
Y’all don’t need any analysis from me. You know how I feel about it. 😂 ↩t.me/bioclandestine🔸
Not a big fan, but Mike Adams totally got the prize this week. Narrative neutralization is exactly what just happened. And that is what happens right before narrative evaporation. Which is pre scheduled to appear in due time.
In other related opinions we have this (with total concurrence from me):
🔸💢 More and more of NATO's strategic and tactical assets are being assembled near Ukraine and Russia
What could this mean? Think a bigger war, “delayed” elections, and massive crackdowns on legal dissidence across the West.
If it happened to me, it can happen to you.
Russia has had time on its side for most of this calculation. This has allowed them far fewer losses than Ukraine.
But the trade off is an excruciatingly slow SMO which unfortunately may allow the West to make up for lost time.
https://t.me/rybar_in_english/17233 ↩t.me/NewResistance🔸
Bold print emphasis above is mine. Because literally all of the above is about exactly those two bold print words - delayed elections. And likely not just in the US. These moves and counter moves are all in furtherance of some kind of significant change in election cycles. And composition. The fact that half of the candidates for office in the US are still residing outside of resident asylums tells you there is an active plan to put off the inevitable. NATO is certainly doing their part. And the Democrats with partners in crime Republicans are doing theirs too.
If you thought the summer has been hot, it's less than a month before the fall equinox but the heat shows no signs of dissipating even then. Keep your seatbelts fastened. This ride will be a doozy!
Back to
Tons of historical mileposts being set here.
Can people be so stupid, they don't remember grocery prices from four years ago?
Can they not see that how inexpensive gasoline was four years ago?
You know what I find the most funny, Karen?
Kamala could actually win.
To be honest I have no idea what’s going to happen. This is shaping up to be the least talked about election in my lifetime. On social media the battle is raging but most of the country is not on there.
I don’t necessarily put a lot of stock in convention attendance or even excitement. The right has been far more into rallies and stuff of that nature than the left. The right goes to rallies while the left collects votes. That commitment to actual results is why they win a lot.
The RFKJr thing I think is pretty simple. After Joe got cast aside, the Ds went back to Kamala. I don’t think he ever had many Trump voters. The anti vax crowd won’t vote for Kammie or Trump. His support was drying up anyway and his VP candidate decided the money she was pouring in was a waste. Kammie wouldn’t take his calls and Trump would. Trump is making a calculation that Kennedy’s supporters will replace the Evangelicals that he’s going to lose because of his now nuanced abortion position. We’ll see I guess.
I always enjoy your thoughts. I guess reading you must be making me sharpen my own thought processes. Kudos to you and your crew here.