Jul 17Liked by Karen Gordo

I just finished your first post when this popped up. I really haven’t had time to see much else but I was confident you would look at all angles.

I have a couple observations. First why do they have those shorter women protecting him. I understand that to really cover him properly they would need the Lakers but still…Why are women there at all. That’s a rhetorical question.

Most people operate under the assumption that the SS and law enforcement in general are well trained and extremely competent. That would be a false assumption. I did personal security for 25 years and could tell many stories of situations where law enforcement that venues were required to have hid and let me and others handle “situations “. To this day I have little respect for law enforcement in general. When I was using steroids in my competitive powerlifting days I used to get them from DEA guys or other cops who belonged to whatever gym I was training at.

I’ll be looking forward to your following episodes. This isn’t a wrap quite yet.

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Well the DEI agenda is covering the optics of women who can't holster a gun or cover their quarter of a protectee. For both camps. We will keep seeing it as the DS digs in. All of them will get shorter due to the trenches they're being required to dig. This is a big story and if I don't finish at least this phase of it the convention may have to go on without us! 😂 Enjoy the rest!

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Jul 16Liked by Karen Gordo

That was a well.thought out blog today, Karen. I've head all kinds of stuff on this and all I can.say is we'll never know the truth.

Certainly the SS were to blame. Arizona plates?

We are more Pro Second Amendment than any other state including Texas.

Why pick a loser to do such an important job? Well.the DEI NAZIs really believe the shit they shovel.

So naturally, everything they plan goes wrong.

500 ft. Is 1/5th of an AR 15s range.

Next t e the bad guys (whom ever they are)

Will.use a real hit man.

Or they will start riots simultaneously across the USA . Anything that can stop this election, they will do.

Thanks a lot,Karen.

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It's an absolute mess. Of 15 theories and very few facts. The FBI obviously picked their suspect out of a closet. Needing one tailor made for their agenda(s). Nothing fits in this drama. And now they're adding even more crazy on top and all around. The government (and media) are riding on greased rails and can't stop the train.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17Liked by Karen Gordo

That's the problem when they use a Whack A Mole as a player. You never know how it's gonna go down.

But this is the most ambitious

Thing Biden's DEI team has done so, we should give them a break.

A scrubbed kid with no social media fingerprint?

Nah,I can't see it.

Do you remember the Texas Tower massacre?

It was supposedly the "first Mas Shooting "

When I was a kid they did a TV documentary on it.

The CIA pumped this soldier up with LSD and screwed with him for over a year ,if I remember right.

Then they let this guy go.

He magicly finds a selective fire M-14 goes to the top of the tower and starts shooting at people on the street below.

So he became a Manacurain Candedate.

I wonder how many the CIA has stashed around this country.

Lots of them.is my bet.

Brace up ! The circus is just starting !

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Very true. MK Ultra really hasn't been a big subject yet. But it will. And likely sooner than not.

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Hi Daniel, how's life treating you today?

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I’m trying to put together a small concert with the kids we’re working with at our school of music performance. Gotta do something so the parents feel like the money they’re spending is justified 😊. Hope life is good in your world.

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It is. The heat wave is calming down so now it's beck to 115°f again. Tonight it may get below 90°f.

Aside from that life goes on.

My bet that we don't get an election this year is still.on the table.

Alway nice to talk to you, Daniel

Enjoy your performance with the kids.

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