8 hrs agoLiked by Karen Gordo

I’ve seen reports that China’s electronic manufacturing is running 24 hrs now since this pager thing. They’re guaranteeing no production parts from outside China. All this sort of makes one look askance at all these electronic gadgets lying around. We always suspected Alexa of spying, but we never thought she would kill us.

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They have no boundaries. But that production won't be for Westerners. We'll have to tough it out. But the Global South will become much more immune.

Including Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Azerbaijan. They'll wind up with a totally different internet as well. On a frequency totally incompatible to the West. I expect communications to essentially be sliced in half like the head off a pig or goat for roasting. Nothing in, nothing out to/from each half. We may still have some communications but probably not wordwide anymore.

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These pagers present a massive problem for high tech wars. Could the cellphones we us have similar features in them?

Maybe at least to cetch on fire if one went to a nonappoved site ?

The prospects are dawnting,but not without hope.

In the end, Ned Ludd bats last.

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