Jun 21Liked by Karen Gordo

Didn’t Japan send back 10 million doses of Astra Zeneca vaccine?

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I don't know but certainly possible. I actually got blown up by the extreme opposition vaccine people kind of early on. And the vaccines would have been useless if everyone had realized the pandemic was fake. But Japanese doctors have made several less than complementary comments and statements about them recently. But the country continues its same course as far as I know. Seems to be an interior medical movement to change that though.

They'll need more.luck than they likely have to achieve that. Hopefully some of the Japanese people are watching. This time all the countries will attempt to eradicate consent as a notion much less a factor.

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Gordo

I keep thinking “no one will fall for this again…right”. ☹️

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We can hope. Probably world wide is better than US. But either way we will be seeing soon.

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Gordo

The human race may not die from a virus,

But we could die from stupidity. If you think about it the meek sheep breed the stong ones go off to war. And obedient sheep are rewarded.

If you repat this cycle long enough, you get some pretty stupid sheep. C as n humans be much different?

I thik not.

Thaks for your thoughtful post today, Karen.

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Just a heads up. They're being a little sneakier this time. But it's gonna be a killer for those 🐑. At least mentally. As they go long and wide simultaneously. But it's a wheat separating from chaff event. And will push all the other narratives around like leaves on a windy day. Except maybe WWIII. And climate emergencies. And whatever we haven't gotten to yet...

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Jun 19Liked by Karen Gordo

Thanks Karen.

Be careful out there.

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