Jun 16Liked by Karen Gordo

I’m finally getting a moment to read this. I never want to start one of your pieces without ample time to peruse.

We’re very close to the breaking point in Ukraine now I think. The lines are starting to buckle in places, and it’s pretty obvious that the losses in the Ukrainian army are starting to show. The bulk of the prime fighters are mostly gone now and these new recruits are not showing much stomach for the fight. I can’t say I really blame them.

I think Putin’s speech serves to act not only as a message to the Piss Summit, but also a message to the people. It’s gotten quite a bit of press, and although there’s a lot of spinning for sure I’m finally hearing some of my normie friends finally realize that maybe the crap they’ve been reading in Apple News is bs. We’ll see how the next couple weeks play out. Coming up soon is the big debate. I never thought it would happen but we’ll soon see.

Thanks for your tireless work on this stuff. Your eyes are needed. I’m getting old now and my vision isn’t what it was.

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My vision is pretty bad, too. This copy/paste style suits that condition. In addition to showing how fragmented our news sources have become. But it can still be easier to find a composite story that makes sense in these smaller bites.

Russia hasn't really started its Sumner offensive. It will by the end of the month, though. Everyone said no way to the "offer" (as in best conceivable one ever). The West will not be able to stop what's coming - the eradication of Ukraine. It will be carved up and absorbed into Poland, Hungary, Austria, and Russia, of course. (For all Mitch's concern for those minerals, Russia will wind up with 80-90% of them.)

I'm looking now at the debate event. Looks for all the world that a FF event is being planned for it. At minimum, it possibly gets scrapped, IMO. Could be an assassination attempt on Biden(!) or Trump. But if one connected with Joe that would solve a lot of Democrat problems.

The movie is about to hit its longest stride; before it hits its loudest volume. The double downers are going to be sorry they ever picked up the dice.

Have a great Sunday!

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Jun 20Liked by Karen Gordo

Putin's speech of a week ago was a doozie.

I loved this quote: "Aircraft carriers owned by the USA, France and Great Britain, given the presence of modern hypersonic weapons in the Russian Federation and China, are losing their importance, Putin said."

Kind of him not to add "They are destined to become habitats for the fish we haven't yet devoured."

While I assume the US has a number of these, I was aware that the UK has two carriers (their perpetual misfortunes have been a source of great entertainment for several years now.) Curious to see how many France has... one. China has three and Russia one, India and Italy have a couple each, and that's about it.

The crew of the Eisenhower - somewhere near Cyprus most likely - have not been on leave for about nine months, One of them's going to pull the plug out soon I reckon ;-0

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

Yes, those supposed tridents of the sea, aircraft carriers, will be permanent bathtubs soon. The very first Kinzhals last year demonstrated that. I saw an article this morning that the West/NATO are 20 years away from an answer. Which is practically the 100% reason we aren't in kinetic WWIII already. As long as NATO keeps providing targets for them in Ukraine they still have time on the clock. Israel has a similar timeline going with Iran only Hezbollah just exposed almost all of Israel's weaknesses two days ago (with an Iranian drone!).

Putin is sitting in the driver's seat (literally and figuratively!) and everyone knows it. "The war was won before it started. -Q" is a totally true statement. This movie is about revealing the players, their deeds and misdeeds, and waking up a very much non cognizant population. It is impossible to assert your own sovereignty until you know what it is. Or perhaps even be(come) a genuine human being without knowing what the opposite is.

Over these four years I have determined that this movie is actually perfect for the purposes listed above. We have always been in a version of it. So it seemed "normal" and "reasonable" for a long time. But the end of most movies become chaotic before the ultimate "peace" (or normal) is found. This one is no different.

I try to make sure that no matter what the scriptwriters have written for us that my followers know that I (at minimum) believe it is a teaching film and not a destructive one. No matter what the action seems to "be" or what the villains "do." The order coming out of that chaos will be the first genuine peace any of us have ever seen. It will be totally clear then. But until then, making "sense" of the chaos is the best we can do.

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Jun 15Liked by Karen Gordo

It takes a while for all this to soak in.

We certainly can bet on a nuclear war with Russia soon. With internal conflicts over migration in the States also as a side dish.

With Trump and Biden being two side of the same dieing empire , we may see both conflicts arise almost simultaneously.

In some strange preverss way the leadership could think limited nuclear war would be a way to solve many problems, overpopulation, immigration, and so forth could be ended.

I'm hoping for a new enlightenment area to start.

After all we peasants out number those in power.

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All true and/or possible. But remember Biden does not want WWIII to start on his watch, at least before the election. Every Democrat thinks that, too. Or at least right up on it, where they might chance a Zelenskyy cop out non martial law postponement.

But they don't really have that option either because the post BRICS meeting is in the same week. The markets are likely to get "jumpy" in anticipation of dozens of new BRICS members in different levels of engagement - but all of them signing up for the new payment system/currency combo meal.

That's the choice they have - election? Or currency climax? Legitimacy? Or survival? The Ukrainization of the US. And the EU in the meantime.

Don't worry about it. Just enjoy the show. Watching a landed fish trying to get off a hook is supposedly a thrill for fishermen. Just because not all of us are attuned to that frequency, does not make us unable to relate to the evident satisfaction of that angler.

That fish will feed the world. And we will finally be in the same boat!

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Jun 15Liked by Karen Gordo

Hi Karen, I know you're very busy chasing the ghosts in the machine. And your work is much appreciated. Perhaps you'll consider doing a piece on how the end of the Petro-Dollar agreement with Saudi Arabia will effect the timeliness of WW3?

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I'll try. I think, though, that is actually a more psychological impact than physical. It was only an agreement between SA and the US. That all the others followed behind. But 50 years ago all the other countries' oil production wasn't as big a percentage as today. Few of them had the exact same agreement for security services. While all of them were using the dollar for trades with other countries, I think that has already slid south considerably. Especially with Russia, China, and India. Now that Turkey is hot to join BRICS, that is likely to have a significant shift capacity, too.

The real "danger" for the USD is that all of these major countries may coordinate dumping of their dollar instruments all at once. The Fed has no response or recourse for that. For now Saudis are still trading in dollars with the US and likely with many smaller countries. Oil is still priced in dollars. When Moscow puts it on their commodity exchange in partially gold backed rubles is when the fireworks really start. But the election has more to do with WWIII timing right now than any other single prospect except that scenario.

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Jun 15Liked by Karen Gordo

Thank you,Karen. That was very useful information 👍

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