Sep 18Liked by Karen Gordo

I’m reading this stuff from these two “assassination attempts “ and all I can think is “if some entity is trying to kill Trump they aren’t very good “. That may explain a lot of the foreign policy nonsense happening now. Wasn’t it The Joker who said that a better class of criminal is needed.

I’m sure Ian will be in the crosshairs of any overseas adventure, although with the Houthis getting a missiles into Tel Aviv, that might not go as planned either.

I’ll be looking forward to tomorrow.

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These idiots are replacement idiots. With all the corresponding downgrades. When Q told us these people are stupid that was pre 2020 election. These people (The Replacements) are morons!

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Gordo

Can’t wait for the replacements of the replacements.

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We're ALL waiting on that!

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Gordo

O man. You always go above and beyond this circus.

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If you don't have some of everything in a circus, it isn't actually a circus. Only way I know to make that point. Thanks for seeing it!

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Sep 18Liked by Karen Gordo

Assassins creeed:nothing is real, everything is possible.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Karen Gordo

As most gun nuts ( like me) know, an SKS has nothing in common with the AK-47 Except for the caliber . So that leads me to think that more people than the shooter were on LSD that day.

This great narkman and hero for Ukraine

didn't know how to build a snipers' nest?

Well so much for woke armies .

I hope they have losers like that when the NWO takes over.

Thanks Karen.

How can I not laugh?

😃 😊 😀 😄 😁 😆 😃 😊 😀 😄 😁

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

The ridiculous narrative pushing is over the top. He was convicted and served time for possession of a fully automatic rifle so his weapon MUST be an AK (or AR as someone else labelled it) because uniformity for public consumption.

I don't know whether you got to watch some of the videos with the perimeter of Mar a Lago golf course. It is completely surrounded in those massive hedges. No part of it has bare chain link fence or dry leaves on the ground either. But the guy supposedly hung out there for 12 hours without detection by either security, cameras, (probably thermal imaging when Trump is scheduled or probable to show), or animal. The whole farce is laughable. They are actually begging people to laugh.

NWO has been around in some iteration for centuries. And we have no real idea of how intelligent these idiots were then. Just enough to rewrite historical records and destroy features that belie the narrative most likely. But they evidently had to choose between evil and intellect for this time. Evil won.

But now we're winning by showing that they have no real power. And certainly not the wits to fabricate the illusion anymore. That's the problem with this technology - it allows us to communicate much more broadly. And spread these investigations and findings at the speed of sound. The societal breakdown by fruit cakes was their first massive modern mistake. Especially without every country on board at the top. The biggest one before that was the printing press.

This really all ends when we click our heels and say "I want to go home." The wizard has already been exposed. The certificates are being written for the non humans among us. One last reprisal is all that's really left.

Our other theaters will get more scenes but I expect this America centric insanity to intensify over the real time exposure of election fraud coming. Israel may be becoming Amalek themselves to a ring of antagonists after the senseless terrorist attack in Lebanon among thousands of civilians. And the insanity in Ukraine just got a purely American scene with this nut job "assassin." With manifesto this time!

Oh the stories we will tell...

Next time.

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