Jun 27Liked by Karen Gordo

Magnificent reporting on the coup of Bolivia today ,Karen.

So Bolivia is rich in lithium.

A mineral ever growing in value.

Aside from the civilians,are there any good guys in this fight?

Or is it.more like Sudan,where everyone in charge wants to have all the pie for himself?

If this grows into a revolution, will it spread North? That would certainly add some flavor to an otherwise no show US presidential debate.

I'm amazed at how well you stay on top of the game, while NBC can't get a simple report on the arrest of the Bakersfield Hells Angeles chapter down correctly.

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Well they study how to do that so in their limited vision they are always successful. Actually as I was posting this I think the army swept in and shut it down. We'll finish up tomorrow. I just wanted to get the action down because regardless we'll be looking for mirrors to other events. Or similar narratives. I got one opinion that this coup attempt was because Bolivia is applying for BRICS. I also saw today where all 10 current members agreed there should be no new members until the new five are more fully integrated. So who knows what is really true?

The lithium is not being mined yet. So even if it was a factor it's not an immediate impact one. All these resources may be of little immediate significance to the bankers if the Western economies start to fail. Because the train out of town would be overflowing with Global South countries and new wannabes. I just put that in because one of the major feeds had it and I didn't want to have to remember to find it if there was something to it. But it's interesting nonetheless.

I do really like these main three South American channels I follow. Very on top of things so I don't have to be! Just cognizant of something and it's instantaneous info! If I hadn't been cooking most of the day, I might have saved myself 10 minutes.😂 Or just cut it off a little shorter. So it all really worked as designed.

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Jun 27Liked by Karen Gordo

Also,you beat POLITICO by three or so hrs


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Then they should have known by then it seems to have been a publicity stunt. I'm looking for details to spotlight but the closure will probably be quick in coming tomorrow.

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You’re down in the Phoenix area right? I used to live down there. Do you ever run into any of my old Aryan Brotherhood buddies. I used to occasionally run into them in the clubs. There were also a few that worked out in a gym I used.

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Actually Daniel, I live West of Phoenix, near the California Border.. It's not bad if you like lizards and sand.

I've met some AB.s in my travels they're an interesting lot for sure.

As a Latino,I don't have much in common with them.

But I've certainly found the ones I met to be OK.

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As a white guy I don’t have much in common with them either…outside of skin color. I’ve learned to be fairly flexible having to get along with all types of people in the search to keep food on the table. 😊

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Flexibility is good these days,Daniel. Whenever the predicted chaos comes the guys that can blend in with the people they're around will have the best chance to thrive.

My dad was from Panama

Where a lot of Spaniards settled

So me skin is rather light, like many Panamanians .

When the man is busting the Hells Angeles of Bakersfield, any nonconfromists will soon be up for nabs.

It's nice to meet a fellow Arizonan . 🌞 ☀️

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Jun 27Liked by Karen Gordo

Coups in Bolivia. People shot in Kenya disturbance. There’s so much going on that these don’t even make the front page. Russia/Ukraine and Israel possibly heading for Lebanon. You’re going to have to hire staffers at this rate.

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I was actually deciding between Kenya and Russia (attacks) when this started. The Kenya situation feels very connected to Haiti. The first tranche of police trainers landed there yesterday. Lots in that story. And hard to find.

Russia's attacks are fairly garden variety - there's actually a (small) chance the Crimean attack was a FF to draw attention away from the other three. And put pressure on the warlords. No proof though, just a theory for now. The Global Hawk drone seems to be a lynchpin to the Sebastopol story right now. One of those costs $100 million. Big deal to bag one.

Very big stories with not enough information. But Latin America has been far too quiet really for a while. The Ecuador stuff almost doesn't count.

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I’ve been trying to get some information on the dust up between China and The Philippines.

Russia just continues to grind away at Ukraine. It looks like things are starting to move faster in the Donbass region now. I’m thinking they’re going to drop the hammer a bit more soon. Looks like they’re rolling on the Fab 3000 glide bombs now. That’s going to bump up the attrition.

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As for me, I am betting on the next Anglo- Mexican war .

With the 4 Southwestern States forming a Block,or maybe going back to Mexico.

With Newsom getting the Presidentcy of the USA.

What a fun summer ☀️

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