Jun 30Liked by Karen Gordo

A flat-out masterpiece, thank you.

Worth five minutes of anyone's time: https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/joe-biden-catches-cold/

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Absolutely clear and decisive read. Personally it's hard for me to comprehend how half of (presumed) DC continues to show up to work every day. SC justices, DS archetypes, Cabinet members. And Joe, too. It's definitely Weekend at Bernie's like that Independence Day clip went to. Propping up Mr. Potato Head for a few more months and stealing another election on his fake poll numbers seemed like the right choice. The script writers knew exactly when to push the panic bar. All that's left to do is enjoy the show.

The entire Dem party and media look totally and stupidly like a lame duck for even proposing that absurdly early debate. They never thought Trump would go for it with the rules as set forth. And they should know by now not to try the Sun Tsu master. It never works. Never.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Karen Gordo

Oh gosh,Karen, how can something so horrible be so funny 😁

Are the democrats going to clone Hillary again?

Or give the show to Newsom?

They cold let Biden run and replace him after the election.

One point you alluded to was about Jill having so much in power over the decision to replace Joe.

How can that be? Does Jill have a copy of Epstine's client list?

This was the funniest post you've done !

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Karen Gordo

Wow,I can't believe how bad my typing was yesterday.

I just fixed it. 😞 😔 😟

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

Yes it was deliberately very funny. And I picked up and used most of that. There's nothing like an hysterical red pill. Nothing.

The consensus seems to be to hang with Joe for two more months. Lots of technical reasons. Plus presumably states with unfriendly ballot laws can attempt to fix that. And they get to keep all the $$ and choose who they want without Bernie bros and such having a voice. But some think they'll keep him in just because gaps open up potential for planned pardons to run astray. It's gonna continue to be fun(ny) is all.I really know...

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Karen Gordo

Funny yes, also dangerous. With Biden the outs they'll have to replace him,maybe before the election.

It' would be a good time to dust off your PRESS issue bullet proof vest.

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If I had one I would. Dont really think I will, though.That might have pushed awareness more than everything else for the past year. And the momentum won't slow down.

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Jun 30Liked by Karen Gordo

I don’t think you missed anything. Maybe where Jill said “You did great Joe, you answeredt all the questions “.

I left the debate thinking Joe was toast. The next day after getting my fourth “I don’t care if he’s dead, I won’t vote for Trump”, I started to wonder.

What’s your over/under on Joe actually staying in this and winning? It certainly isn’t zero.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Author

I doubt we have an election. Russia isn't cooperating on a European WWIII, so they may have to try for China. And then there's bird flu, too. Some excuse for postponing it will be found. Unless the SCOTUS decides to end it. Which it could. Joe is a liability every minute. But he and his pardon power protect all of them from search and seizure. At least the ones the FBI and DOJ aren't. Until it doesn't exist anymore. This is that disappearing chessboard. Where everything comes down to 4 squares.

It will be a great thriller movie, I feel certain. Those are only guesses. I don't know. I just know the cameras are warming up and the script is already written. The acting is superlative! Can you imagine trying to play Jill on Thursday? Or Joe for that matter!

This is just a frame by frame review at this point. No one really knows where the camera lands next. Except for people who aren't telling.

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Jul 1Liked by Karen Gordo

There’s pretty much a stalemate. I’m sure there are plenty of things that could be dragged out on Joe, but he’s been around so long he knows where a lot of bodies are too.

China seems like it’s going to be hard to draw into anything. That’s a proceed with caution. Hard to start a war with someone you get a lot of stuff to build your weapons from. Thought processing seems to be in pretty short supply in DC these days though.

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That effort will fail, too. Putin and Xi know exactly what they're doing and where bodies are buried too. The West are Keystone Cops trying to be Robocops. Another doomed to fail venture in the making. But our debate newly opened enough eyes that they will be getting a crash course in “how stupid can they be.” Existential drama on tap. To satisfy nearly every palate.

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