Sep 15Liked by Karen Gordo

Years before the Haitians there were similar events featuring The Hmong (St. Paul), then the Somalis in Mpls. Years before this even the small town in Iowa where I graduated from high school was changed when Iowa Beef Packers closed down the biggest , highest paying employer in town (Hygrades), and reopened it after importing many people from Mexico and Central America. That story made 60 Minutes but that was when there was actually some investigative journalism being done. I’ve lived long enough in enough places to have seen this all before. The common denominator, as you point out, is someone makes an ass ton of money from this and it ain’t the immigrants. I told someone in a conversation right after the debate that I bet the road would lead to Dewine. I had no idea until reading this how right I was. This is what frustrates me. The bigger story behind this is missed. But I don’t know why I’m surprised…it generally is.

The right is great at memes…too bad they suck so bad at politics. The problem with all the stuff on X is most people aren’t on that. Everyone gets their news from Apple News, MSN or FB. Haitians eating cats is old news now. The new craze is Laura Loomer replacing Melanie. Is that in the cards for a Karen post this week?

Great post. I was glad to see info on the Dewine/Haiti connect.

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LL (gross!) is not replacing Melania. Even for five minutes. Leftist desperation with a life span of half that is not news nor really narrative either. Other than the obvious desperation, it has no narrative in it.

But if I go somewhere that's a particle of the narrative, I don't shave comments and I'd put it in.

The digital news world is getting smaller every day. It will be interesting to see how people adjust to a homogenized unimedia only Western world. But if they realize how much of what they do spend their time pursuing and what the relative value of that is - well that's the last step of the Great Awakening! It's all BS, you don't need it, and life really begins after that epiphany.

We have always had unimedia. It's called history today. All of it. It's a process to get there. But stories like this one - so many people around the world love animals, especially domesticated ones - and so many people despise the US, with very good reason - that this story plays nearly everywhere. Except where they commonly eat pets and are let slide on it. But those may feel a little uncomfortable which is a good thing.

The biggest story is the USE of the story. Literally like a broad sword or battle axe. And while tons of people aren't on Twitter, that was always true. But the content makes it off of there and finds its way down every tributary. It's amazing how fast these days. Almost like it was designed that way!

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Gordo


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The USA has eaten half the world, and they're worried about hungry immigrants. Maybe we can interview another fat American for perspective.

Georgia (country) elections next month.

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Yes and Americans will be there directing traffic as usual! Voodoo from the Caribbean is nothing new. What's new is that it migrated inland. But they sat on the narrative until it became a weapon far in excess of its fighting weight. And blended it with 911 undertones and corporate governance cooperation and complicit capitalist ventures. Its a one size fits all - fat and slim!

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That should be interesting. USA hard at work there too.

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Gordo

Gotta say you've really done a good job on this post.

We got a goodly amount of Haitians this year. But the preexisting Latino gangs don't like competition, so the Haitians moved elsewhere.

The criminal you know is far better than the criminal you don't know.

This mayham is planned, but for what end?

So that Kamala can be the

"Queen of the trash pit"?

Oh well ,if this keeps up Arizona will most likely return to being a Mexican Teratory.

As long as the USA keeps California, retuning to Mexico would hardly make a difference in my life.

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Well nearly all of our events expose something or more latterly a collection of somethings. If the world gets crazy enough to get "close" everyone will have to attempt to deal with it. Eventually the pace and volume will be increasing exponentially. If you're not expecting it - it will be like a Storm for the ages. If you are prepared for it, then you can relax and wait it out.

So these kind of events are exposing the connections between nearly every politician on earth. And the crimes they've been guilty of. COVID exposed the medical and corporate sector. (One of the reasons we had lockdowns was to allow more people to evade the shots while they were being exposed as captured.) The climate scam gets play occasionally. The banking sector will be crashing. The religions and international organizations are probably up next. Being the traffic cops on migration and compliance.

When we're done, if we have "countries" it will just be a holdover until people can be re-educated. Same for any kind of massive governments. But you can't take that structure away from people until they're ready. So we will have these movies until a much bigger part of the population starts to get that it just doesn't make sense or add up. Some of the narratives are just fantastic illusions; others are more conventionally filmed. But all are instructional.

The Ohio case is literally a human trafficking operation. Now the Haitians probably came willingly because they're getting paid like kings. But nonetheless they were ordered up by the government for private business use. And displaced a third of of the existing residents in the process. That has happened on different scales all over the country. You haven't heard one syllable before Tuesday though. That's because of controlled media. Eventually when these things happen over and over and the same characters (persons or positions) are involved in the same ways, it will start dawning that it's Systemic. Not just randomly spaced criminal elements. But a homogenous universal worldwide operation. And all the parts work together to house us as the residents of Animal Farm. But believing we're somehow not really Truman Burbank.

Once you see it you can't unsee it. Perfectly true. And then you can't stop seeing more and more either once you start. But we are still at the starting gate for a lot of people. The immediate goal is to get people to a point where they can't be excessively shocked by the "next" thing, whatever it is. That means that insane has to become somewhat normalized. Which is where we are entering now.

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