If Rome burns, it will be a necessary or perhaps even good thing. The controller class is either locked up or gone. These events are being produced (on film) to wake up the holdouts. The final scenes, just like in any movie, are action packed, suspenseful, and tying the end to the rest of the picture.
I'm that friend that ruins it for you in advance! Before you have a chance to buy your ticket. But you'll thank me (again) later...😀
This is a great collection. Sorry I got to the party late. No excuses …just life. What can I say.
You hit on something that was so obvious. The transformer to Ukraine piece. I got so caught up on old weapons so we could replace them here and the huge dollar amounts that essentially mean nothing, that I forgot about something that could actually be meaningful. But that’s why you write and I read. 😊.
Every time I think things are moving quickly the pace picks up. On a side note…heard from some acquaintances in Israel. The official White House narrative that 145% of the missiles that Iran launched were intercepted was not exactly true. What a surprise.
It's the timing and interconnectedness of the narratives. Zero chance that shipment days ahead of major storms was any accident. And in any kind of more sane times the US would pass that buck to Brussels to deliver. I don't know how that equipment functions but since they don't even use 120V power there I'm not sure why that wasn't set up in Europe to start with. Except as part of the election postponement narrative. I'm watching to see when they turn up in warehouses stateside hidden with an excuse about accounting errors.
You did well, picking out that quintessential nugget from the rest. It's about to be a narrative sh°tstorm happening here at least. Although the port strike will ripple through industries and shipping for months and across 2/3 of the world. Whole economies will crash. All the African and Latin American countries that hitched their main wagons to the US are going to have some explaining to do. Europe will be effected almost as much as we will.
Now Netanyahu wants to gum up everything else with a (US backed) strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Think they might resurrect that FF on ZNP, too? This month will be lit from whatever direction you are looking. Worldwide.
The old accounting error scam. The Pentagon has been using that to Ukraine advantage. That combined with congressional budget allocation to balance the books for weapons already delivered.
Your posts overwhelm me most of the time. Ever so once in a while I grab a fish as the torrent rushes by.
I'm reliably informed today that the equipment pictured as sent would have been compatible or easily modifiable. I asked but haven't gotten an answer about exactly what production end of electrical transmission was affected versus what parts were more on the delivery end (street level and pole lines). I still say all of that shown was for more mass transmission or transforming - as in blown up power source plants - than in more scattered micro delivery pieces for towns and neighborhoods. Which is what they surely would need way more of.
But they kind of did it during COVID by building all those detached popup hospitals. Spreading resources around. Surely 350 pieces isn't all we as a country have in inventory. Still think there's more to the story.
And my posts do NOT overwhelm you. I might accept bend your line of thought occasionally. This is merely a puzzle exactly like unfolds in a movie. It's only quantitatively complex - like 300 screens going at once! I do try and distill it mostly. But accept that I sometimes fail at that. When there's too much competing information or valid points or contrasting views or ...
My pick me up channel that is where the last entry was from posts at least once every month one that says we are all walking each other home. I'm sure I've seen variations of it dozens of time. But it is quite true. If we don't take care of each other we've had ample evidence no one else will.
So we stay here until we don't need to. For whatever reasons we may have.
If we can’t perform basic infrastructure repair anymore, coupled with a lot of building materials needing to be shipped in, doesn’t bode well for us even without strikes. I was reading an article written by a couple American military guys talking about how the equipment sent to Ukraine was figured out by the Russians in a couple weeks and how our military technology is behind and we can’t get stuff online quickly. The MIC is based on profit, not timely delivery with efficiency.
Exactly. And until we get off of the profits before breakfast train, that likely won't change. I am really hoping for a timeline split scenario where we actually don't have to watch this much longer. Don't have to stay all the way to the "designed" end. I could live forever without ever hearing the word "profit" again.
If you think about it profit is only really needed in this simulation as a fake incentive. They were always going to "tax" it out of existence. Taking away retirement savings, incentivising investments until they implode those every few years. Encourage developing your own business then regulating you out of it. All for only the asset class to profit. Everyone else purely a wage earner slave.
Time to get off this ride or this rock soon. For something completely different. As the military said it: Everything, Everywhere, All at once. I'm ready every second of every day!
All of these really fake, but certainly evil, systems - banking, law, government, .... essentially corporations, have to be destroyed. Not just disabled or dumbed down. That's a really tall sales pitch. Especially to populations who believe those are progress, order, strengths.
This "show" is to show those how they've at least become perverted to work against humanity, if not inherently sick. The entirety of these controls have to fall. It's not enough to kill termites in the walls of a building but leave them in the floor structure. <=you are here.
This movie is a termite inspector exposing that there are so many termites that the building can't be saved. The only remedy is to burn down the house and move ahead to a new future.
I try to bring as much humor as I can find. It helps. The sick sort of way comes down from the top. They are sick beings,no matter what galaxy is under observation.
Difficult to know just exactly what time it is; I sure as hell don't want to sit around until October 2, 2027, waiting on the wall clock to fall; on the bright side though; the world seems to be closing in. So, what I said the other day about a brick wall, and then later a note 🎵🎶 I read about some redemption; so I had to look up a name; zilch on that search, but find a bunch of gods and goddesses; and, as suspected, modern astrophysics and much of its mathematics is based upon Luciferianism. So, no life to speak of; not for them anyway; but I did see a woman tonight that I suspected of not being cis, so at least there's that life.
Small victories count the most of all. The overall consciousness is the real measure. And far more people on every continent other than North America are pulling the weight for us, I think. There's a dip in Europe but not nearly as big as in the US. We will have to be dragged kicking and screaming. But we will be dragged. So a win even if a little roughing up of egos is required. Not very long now.
I can't even imagine what those small victories are that you're referring to; some species apparently are just that way, I was reading about such a species the other day; obviously, humans are geneticlly wired to go extinct. I'll have to wait until after the death of this physical essence to do the overriding causes of its extinction but wow, so close to the prize, but yet so far. I wish you a great day, and however many happy days after that.
Thank you! I intend to choose content if happy isn't always available. We have lots of small victories. Every day more and more people are seeing the sheer ridiculousness alongside the degenerate intentions. For centuries few saw either. All.this massive tech sector that enabled their rise is also enabling their downfall. There's a certain justice in that, too.
Well, the Caohs keeps multiplying.
It seems as if our masters well laid out plans,did not include the human retraction concept..
As this drama grows to the point of no return,
Whom will be the Nero that oversees the burning of Rome?
In fact at this point,does it matter ?
Thanks, Karen.
If Rome burns, it will be a necessary or perhaps even good thing. The controller class is either locked up or gone. These events are being produced (on film) to wake up the holdouts. The final scenes, just like in any movie, are action packed, suspenseful, and tying the end to the rest of the picture.
I'm that friend that ruins it for you in advance! Before you have a chance to buy your ticket. But you'll thank me (again) later...😀
It has to burn.
And so it shall 😌
This is a great collection. Sorry I got to the party late. No excuses …just life. What can I say.
You hit on something that was so obvious. The transformer to Ukraine piece. I got so caught up on old weapons so we could replace them here and the huge dollar amounts that essentially mean nothing, that I forgot about something that could actually be meaningful. But that’s why you write and I read. 😊.
Every time I think things are moving quickly the pace picks up. On a side note…heard from some acquaintances in Israel. The official White House narrative that 145% of the missiles that Iran launched were intercepted was not exactly true. What a surprise.
Excellent report.
It's the timing and interconnectedness of the narratives. Zero chance that shipment days ahead of major storms was any accident. And in any kind of more sane times the US would pass that buck to Brussels to deliver. I don't know how that equipment functions but since they don't even use 120V power there I'm not sure why that wasn't set up in Europe to start with. Except as part of the election postponement narrative. I'm watching to see when they turn up in warehouses stateside hidden with an excuse about accounting errors.
You did well, picking out that quintessential nugget from the rest. It's about to be a narrative sh°tstorm happening here at least. Although the port strike will ripple through industries and shipping for months and across 2/3 of the world. Whole economies will crash. All the African and Latin American countries that hitched their main wagons to the US are going to have some explaining to do. Europe will be effected almost as much as we will.
Now Netanyahu wants to gum up everything else with a (US backed) strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Think they might resurrect that FF on ZNP, too? This month will be lit from whatever direction you are looking. Worldwide.
The old accounting error scam. The Pentagon has been using that to Ukraine advantage. That combined with congressional budget allocation to balance the books for weapons already delivered.
Your posts overwhelm me most of the time. Ever so once in a while I grab a fish as the torrent rushes by.
I'm reliably informed today that the equipment pictured as sent would have been compatible or easily modifiable. I asked but haven't gotten an answer about exactly what production end of electrical transmission was affected versus what parts were more on the delivery end (street level and pole lines). I still say all of that shown was for more mass transmission or transforming - as in blown up power source plants - than in more scattered micro delivery pieces for towns and neighborhoods. Which is what they surely would need way more of.
But they kind of did it during COVID by building all those detached popup hospitals. Spreading resources around. Surely 350 pieces isn't all we as a country have in inventory. Still think there's more to the story.
And my posts do NOT overwhelm you. I might accept bend your line of thought occasionally. This is merely a puzzle exactly like unfolds in a movie. It's only quantitatively complex - like 300 screens going at once! I do try and distill it mostly. But accept that I sometimes fail at that. When there's too much competing information or valid points or contrasting views or ...
My pick me up channel that is where the last entry was from posts at least once every month one that says we are all walking each other home. I'm sure I've seen variations of it dozens of time. But it is quite true. If we don't take care of each other we've had ample evidence no one else will.
So we stay here until we don't need to. For whatever reasons we may have.
If we can’t perform basic infrastructure repair anymore, coupled with a lot of building materials needing to be shipped in, doesn’t bode well for us even without strikes. I was reading an article written by a couple American military guys talking about how the equipment sent to Ukraine was figured out by the Russians in a couple weeks and how our military technology is behind and we can’t get stuff online quickly. The MIC is based on profit, not timely delivery with efficiency.
Exactly. And until we get off of the profits before breakfast train, that likely won't change. I am really hoping for a timeline split scenario where we actually don't have to watch this much longer. Don't have to stay all the way to the "designed" end. I could live forever without ever hearing the word "profit" again.
If you think about it profit is only really needed in this simulation as a fake incentive. They were always going to "tax" it out of existence. Taking away retirement savings, incentivising investments until they implode those every few years. Encourage developing your own business then regulating you out of it. All for only the asset class to profit. Everyone else purely a wage earner slave.
Time to get off this ride or this rock soon. For something completely different. As the military said it: Everything, Everywhere, All at once. I'm ready every second of every day!
Oh, good; I have a little piece, but didn't know what direction you were headed towards
All of these really fake, but certainly evil, systems - banking, law, government, .... essentially corporations, have to be destroyed. Not just disabled or dumbed down. That's a really tall sales pitch. Especially to populations who believe those are progress, order, strengths.
This "show" is to show those how they've at least become perverted to work against humanity, if not inherently sick. The entirety of these controls have to fall. It's not enough to kill termites in the walls of a building but leave them in the floor structure. <=you are here.
This movie is a termite inspector exposing that there are so many termites that the building can't be saved. The only remedy is to burn down the house and move ahead to a new future.
And, healthcare, I get so tired of all these doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etcetera making attempts on my life; the last plot was very clever.
Healthcare is de facto government. It's DEFINITELY included!
Interesting;; maybe funny in a sick sort of way?
I try to bring as much humor as I can find. It helps. The sick sort of way comes down from the top. They are sick beings,no matter what galaxy is under observation.
Difficult to know just exactly what time it is; I sure as hell don't want to sit around until October 2, 2027, waiting on the wall clock to fall; on the bright side though; the world seems to be closing in. So, what I said the other day about a brick wall, and then later a note 🎵🎶 I read about some redemption; so I had to look up a name; zilch on that search, but find a bunch of gods and goddesses; and, as suspected, modern astrophysics and much of its mathematics is based upon Luciferianism. So, no life to speak of; not for them anyway; but I did see a woman tonight that I suspected of not being cis, so at least there's that life.
Small victories count the most of all. The overall consciousness is the real measure. And far more people on every continent other than North America are pulling the weight for us, I think. There's a dip in Europe but not nearly as big as in the US. We will have to be dragged kicking and screaming. But we will be dragged. So a win even if a little roughing up of egos is required. Not very long now.
I can't even imagine what those small victories are that you're referring to; some species apparently are just that way, I was reading about such a species the other day; obviously, humans are geneticlly wired to go extinct. I'll have to wait until after the death of this physical essence to do the overriding causes of its extinction but wow, so close to the prize, but yet so far. I wish you a great day, and however many happy days after that.
Thank you! I intend to choose content if happy isn't always available. We have lots of small victories. Every day more and more people are seeing the sheer ridiculousness alongside the degenerate intentions. For centuries few saw either. All.this massive tech sector that enabled their rise is also enabling their downfall. There's a certain justice in that, too.