The sad truth is revealed. How long before they come after us. It's no longer a political issue. It's now about how long can we survive in a corrupt environment 🤔
As long as we want! The legal system IS the Beast. UN is in trouble; all the Western countries are going to follow suit. Once people start to see that the legal systems aren't adjunct "third" bodies but primary and cover for the others, we will see some incredible panic from them. Far bigger than this.
Sovereignty is a state of mind. The next iteration of this world will be vastly different. Without all these interconnected systems to steal our perceptions of that sovereignty. It all has to crash first. But we won't be collateral damage. We will be free.
You’ve covered all of it here. To be honest I’ve mostly tuned it out. I’ve never really bought into the “it’s not me they hate, it’s you” mantra. No Don, they don’t hate me…it’s you they hate. Maybe it’s because I worked in the matrix for so many years. I know the players, what they’re like and how to negotiate the terrain. Interestingly enough long before this trial ended, I never had one of my neighbors, anyone at my business, or anywhere I was say anything about this. There isn’t outrage and chaos outside of social media and Substack. Not that many people are really paying attention except on a superficial level.
These unaware people will notice later when the police are everywhere there's a political event. Remember the RNC flap in Cleveland 2016? That will look like PeeWee's Playhouse. This is not over yet. But literally no one with normal senses will be able to completely ignore it. If we make it to an actual election it will make DMZs proud. Being an occupied country will become totally apparent. And I don't mean illegal immigrants.
But still all a show, so don't go getting morose about it. It's very likely to happen in conjunction with a total SM ban or even internet blackout. A huge percentage of people have switched to streamed everything. Going back to the dark ages before TV, radio, and newspapers will be a shock to the most "unaffected".
And those very people not talking about these events contain an unknown quantity subset of people who are shocked but unable to process yet why. Due to TDS likely, but might just be latent liberalist belief in the government their Obama-Clinton-Biden fantasies projected for decades. Finding out "democracy" is nothing they believed in while we have a "perfect" scenario Democrat administration. Nothing like "evil right wing" repression tactics coming from them to do the trick.
The sad truth is revealed. How long before they come after us. It's no longer a political issue. It's now about how long can we survive in a corrupt environment 🤔
Not long,I geuss.
As long as we want! The legal system IS the Beast. UN is in trouble; all the Western countries are going to follow suit. Once people start to see that the legal systems aren't adjunct "third" bodies but primary and cover for the others, we will see some incredible panic from them. Far bigger than this.
Sovereignty is a state of mind. The next iteration of this world will be vastly different. Without all these interconnected systems to steal our perceptions of that sovereignty. It all has to crash first. But we won't be collateral damage. We will be free.
You’ve covered all of it here. To be honest I’ve mostly tuned it out. I’ve never really bought into the “it’s not me they hate, it’s you” mantra. No Don, they don’t hate me…it’s you they hate. Maybe it’s because I worked in the matrix for so many years. I know the players, what they’re like and how to negotiate the terrain. Interestingly enough long before this trial ended, I never had one of my neighbors, anyone at my business, or anywhere I was say anything about this. There isn’t outrage and chaos outside of social media and Substack. Not that many people are really paying attention except on a superficial level.
These unaware people will notice later when the police are everywhere there's a political event. Remember the RNC flap in Cleveland 2016? That will look like PeeWee's Playhouse. This is not over yet. But literally no one with normal senses will be able to completely ignore it. If we make it to an actual election it will make DMZs proud. Being an occupied country will become totally apparent. And I don't mean illegal immigrants.
But still all a show, so don't go getting morose about it. It's very likely to happen in conjunction with a total SM ban or even internet blackout. A huge percentage of people have switched to streamed everything. Going back to the dark ages before TV, radio, and newspapers will be a shock to the most "unaffected".
And those very people not talking about these events contain an unknown quantity subset of people who are shocked but unable to process yet why. Due to TDS likely, but might just be latent liberalist belief in the government their Obama-Clinton-Biden fantasies projected for decades. Finding out "democracy" is nothing they believed in while we have a "perfect" scenario Democrat administration. Nothing like "evil right wing" repression tactics coming from them to do the trick.