These multi party systems present a challenge. Apparently Macron played the only hand he had. It will be interesting to see how the game ends up. It doesn’t look like anyone can agree about much of anything, and I can’t believe the LePenn group will be interested in helping anyone out. She stands to win big in the next PM election if everything goes to hell and Europe is still around.
UK is another joke. That’s going to be the U.S. in a few years. Right now we have a committed left and a fake right. Many similarities. Opportunity came at the same time…Brexit and MAGA. Included even is a leader who is replaced by an Indian dude with no experience. Similarities abound!
I enjoyed your presentation. Plenty of visual aids. You’re just getting started.
This one was big/long. But not at all difficult. All the players in the Western governments are on varying pages all being in the same book. Some play opposition roles. But the end result is mandated the same for all. You don't here Farage or LePen making any comment at all. And they never will. Both performed admirably - to provide the counterpoint characters for propping up the main narrative. That was the goal and they reached it in record speed.
I'm only part way through this, but I have to thank you. I thought the US electoral system was eff-ed up, but wow. Thank god we fought that Revolutionary War thingy. Otherwise we'd have to care about Charles, William, and Harry and be stuck with that system.
Yes, we actually aren't quite as bad off as these guys. One of the contributors I went to heavily (MadTParty) kept saying the systems are broken. They aren't broken; they just only work for the ruling side of the civil contract.
Just recently, there was a tweet where Pfizer claims that they did not defraud anyone regarding COVID vaccines. They merely provided the government with what it had specified. This is precisely what is wrong with everything. Our ruling class (including TNC execs) are parasites. It is not in their nature to care for their hosts (us) any more than strictly necessary to sustain their parasitical agendas.
With the innate nature of sucking the life blood of humanity, it was always only a matter of time until the tipping point was reached. Too many of us (however few we think we are!) are becoming aware of these conditions and saying no more. We are very close to that critical stage. Every time exposure of their plans happens it gets closer still.
These are fun times we live in. It makes wish for the days of Warlords and stroming castles. With my luck I may even make my own fifedom. But instead we have elections.
It seems that some of the folks elected look like they'll do a good job.
Thanks for the long and useful report today, Karen. It will take a while to read but good work deserves along read time.
Well it has lots to consider. I actually used most of what I had picked out. As long as it is, it is definitely complete. It really took that to spotlight all the comparisons. It was totally natural though, so not the labor it might appear.
These multi party systems present a challenge. Apparently Macron played the only hand he had. It will be interesting to see how the game ends up. It doesn’t look like anyone can agree about much of anything, and I can’t believe the LePenn group will be interested in helping anyone out. She stands to win big in the next PM election if everything goes to hell and Europe is still around.
UK is another joke. That’s going to be the U.S. in a few years. Right now we have a committed left and a fake right. Many similarities. Opportunity came at the same time…Brexit and MAGA. Included even is a leader who is replaced by an Indian dude with no experience. Similarities abound!
I enjoyed your presentation. Plenty of visual aids. You’re just getting started.
This one was big/long. But not at all difficult. All the players in the Western governments are on varying pages all being in the same book. Some play opposition roles. But the end result is mandated the same for all. You don't here Farage or LePen making any comment at all. And they never will. Both performed admirably - to provide the counterpoint characters for propping up the main narrative. That was the goal and they reached it in record speed.
I'm only part way through this, but I have to thank you. I thought the US electoral system was eff-ed up, but wow. Thank god we fought that Revolutionary War thingy. Otherwise we'd have to care about Charles, William, and Harry and be stuck with that system.
Yes, we actually aren't quite as bad off as these guys. One of the contributors I went to heavily (MadTParty) kept saying the systems are broken. They aren't broken; they just only work for the ruling side of the civil contract.
Just recently, there was a tweet where Pfizer claims that they did not defraud anyone regarding COVID vaccines. They merely provided the government with what it had specified. This is precisely what is wrong with everything. Our ruling class (including TNC execs) are parasites. It is not in their nature to care for their hosts (us) any more than strictly necessary to sustain their parasitical agendas.
With the innate nature of sucking the life blood of humanity, it was always only a matter of time until the tipping point was reached. Too many of us (however few we think we are!) are becoming aware of these conditions and saying no more. We are very close to that critical stage. Every time exposure of their plans happens it gets closer still.
These are fun times we live in. It makes wish for the days of Warlords and stroming castles. With my luck I may even make my own fifedom. But instead we have elections.
It seems that some of the folks elected look like they'll do a good job.
Thanks for the long and useful report today, Karen. It will take a while to read but good work deserves along read time.
😊 😃
Well it has lots to consider. I actually used most of what I had picked out. As long as it is, it is definitely complete. It really took that to spotlight all the comparisons. It was totally natural though, so not the labor it might appear.