Jul 17Liked by Karen Gordo

Oh no. This isn’t the end of this. What a magnificent job you did pulling this all together. Give yourself a raise. I knew they would have to get The Putin into this somewhere. Throw some Iran into spice up the batter. I’m going to go through this a couple more times. Great stuff Karen. You don’t disappoint. I don’t think this is the last post you’ll write about this.

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Probably not. The next assassination might be Biden, though. If he doesn't go by way of the 25th Am. Down with COVID now and glimmering of defeat are wafting in the air.

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Jul 18Liked by Karen Gordo

Biden would be a better bet. Despite all their talk,the Republicans are paper Tigers.

The Democrats are better a coming to gather and more likely to start a Civil War

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If Biden gets shot (or smothered) or anything you can bet the Dems did it. They're using this COVID episode to make that very clear.

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No matter what ,Daniel, it's going to get very rough over the next 100 days.

Keep a pice of iron in your pocket.

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Never leave home without it..

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As do I , my friend

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Liked by Karen Gordo

Should we tell the Plebs that the Iranian Revolutionary Gaurd is a very first rate group of commandos?

Nah,that would scare them

That the job was accidentally botched by a pair of useless DEI heirs?

Probably not.

That Israel was involved?


Who the hell paid for the hit ?

I envision two very powerful cartels

Fighting for dominance of North and South America .

We lose no matter who wins.

Why would a guy with a suicide hit have 50 cartridges and one 30 rd magazine 🤔

Did anyone call 911 to tell the cops about what was happening ?

What a joyful "Murder She Wrote " drama.

What are they trying to hide?

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Author

Well for starters - the photography crew. Very elite pedigrees. The one who took the bullet path shot had a mega camera set to ~8000 frames/sec to get it. (Unless it was faked.) One of the posts in there says he was with GWB on 9/11. FF expert. The one in the video that got pulled to the front by SS is also big time. These kinds of things usually have very well established elite groups of actors making sure nothing goes wrong. The "shooter" might have just been a decoy (similar to LHO in the JFK affair). I think this was supposed to be at least evocative of that. Grassy field. No convertible cars but that went to the farm after 1963. Lone gunman. (Fico claimed it was a mirror to his!) So many clues they trip over each other. SS cooperation instead of mostly CIA. Now we're finding potential shooters in two or three other areas and forensics that suggest three different shooters. I think there are so many clues on this one it could take decades to sort it all out. It is the FBI working on it. Maybe if we can get the US Marshals to take it over... sometime.

Might be more of a JFK He Wrote!

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The greatest trick the devil every played was convincing the world he didn't exist.

I know it's a cliche, but it fits. Who would ever think?

I'd seen a lot of this because I've been trying to watch all the reactions, but there's a few things even I didn't catch, so thank you.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18Author

I always assume my readers have seen the basic story. But provide the cleaned up sequential and complete main story for reference and completeness. But then I pick the narrative expansion pieces with an eye to whether it makes you think. Ask questions.

We are very used to our 2D fractured news cycle. I just compile it all because I have the time. I get paid in the hours I save you!

The real story still is not probably visible as most truth resides in the gaps and seams from the story destruction caused by sound bite news delivery. But you're much closer afterwards and hopefully entertained frequently as well.

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I'm definitely entertained . . . and horrified . . . but yes also entertained. Thank you so much for your hours.

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