Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by Karen Gordo

And the fun is just starting.

Thanks for the great coverage of global weirdness, Karen.

As we tumble into Caohs, the election becomes more and more insignificant.

The good news of the day ?

Kamala is now a sure bet to win the prize for dunb ass if the year. 😃

I thought they were going to give it to Trump.

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There's lots more fun to come! Months of it at triple shifting to quintuple time pace. The next three months will feel like a year. Nearly anything can happen....or not.

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Aug 3Liked by Karen Gordo

Yes. They could pull a Y 2K on us.

Kammy stays in office and the world keeps turning.

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Literally almost anything. Except that. Even if she's there temporarily the Dems would remove her pretty quickly. The VP slot is so important for just that reason. However, a bait and switch like Ford for Agnew in the 70s makes the Congress come into play for approval. Still gonna be fun with the proper mindset. Or headgear.

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Aug 3Liked by Karen Gordo


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Aug 4Liked by Karen Gordo

As the now departed prophet Frank Zappa wrote, “trouble coming every day”.

What are things coming to when you can’t use your ill gotten filthy lucre to purchase a cool goat.

Great stuff again. Interesting…and our boy in Venezuela is still hanging on. The CIA needs to up its game. They’re starting to lose consistently now. And what would a UK protest be without Russian misinformation.

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Everything is Russian disinfo, or a Russian spy op. Pretty soon they'll branch into plumbing, too. I liked the goat, too! The funny side details in this war are the best, aren't they?

The pace is picking up dramatically. And will get faster still. We still have a lot of territory on terra firma that hasn't even really come to the party yet. All of it will be ablaze before the end.

Maduro has got this in the bag. CIA/Machado are making noise still shilling for likes and time. For all the good those wouldn't do them anyway. It's like they're so desperate for a win that they'll cling to a 6" piece of flotsam in an ocean rather than swim 50 ft to a rowboat. Have I said before how stupid they are?

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Aug 4Liked by Karen Gordo

Well said. I may steal the rowboat analogy. 😀

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Steal anything you like! No copyrights here.

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Aug 3Liked by Karen Gordo

I think it's maybe time I came out of retirement for a new career as a crisis actor!

Seems plenty of work about in many countries around the world and the government establishment will always support your endeavours, imprisoning anyone that questions your version of events however preposterous!

Only downside I suppose is that you may eventually 'know too much' and have a sudden fatal heart attack whilst out walking the dog! 😂

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Actually they probably just unalive your character and shift you to a new locale and identity. Most of these FF victims are in other careers now. Some very public as I understand. The Sandy Hook kids keep popping up all over. And others are working on their 3rd or even 4th school shooting as a bystander or other participant. Even selling them on SM. I just saw a video today that the kid they have since I published ID'd for the knifing attack in Southport is a professional actor just like Crooks. Minutes and hours to debunk. Not weeks and years anymore.

At the rate everything is moving I hope most of them are in unemployment lines soon. Keep the day job a little longer! 😃

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Aug 4Liked by Karen Gordo

Yes, 'child crisis actor' has definitely been a better career path than university over the last couple of decades but probably coming to an end now as you say..

I do wonder if this child actor in Southport FF is being used to help expose the truth about the use of these crisis actors? We'll probably find out next that he received minor injuries in the Manchester bombing!

The pace of this movie is really picking up and I'm really enjoying your daily coverage of all the reporting contradictions! 😍

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Everything now is disclosure or something to bring about awareness. Everything. Politics, Olympics, violence, immigration, elections/no elections, liberty zooming out of sight, coming market and currency crashes, trade/supply disruptions, ... This rock is about to literally fall apart in what will feel like days. A total disaster movie. Of the destruction of (((their))) control structures. This is just the first tremors that become the warning signs.

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Always fascinating!

Southport killer not an immigrant - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prN04bovPMM

I may despise American 'foreign policy', but Bangladesh is fucked-up, and students have reason to protest.

Manchester - https://iaindavis.substack.com/p/the-bizarre-trial-of-richard-d-hall

Turkey vs Instagram?

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Well they've subbed an immigrant now. Might just be a CGI, though. So much of all this drama is. Any one with a functioning brain despises American foreign AND domestic policy. Bangladesh is unfortunately in the crosshairs right now, and Venezuela too. Two different yet similar US meddling operations. And both are election related - the only real difference is the time lag. And that the US didn't try to rig the Bangladeshi election like they did in Venezuela. Otherwise they're literally mirror images.

I've heard of the Hall trial but haven't really followed, thanks! And I don't really know why Erdogan does half the stuff he does. Just believe he's way smarter and attuned than most people give him credit for. It probably has to do with an assassination attempt on him some weeks back. We are about to see massive "blackouts" occurring, particularly in the SM space. Many if not most by government decrees. The latest Israeli assassination supposedly was linked to WhatsApp. Not germane whether it actually was - it's the narrative now. Which is all the excuse (often expressly manufactured) they've ever needed.

It's going to be a race to the finish from here. Quick glimpses of these narratives is likely all we will be able to manage. It's basically already beyond having any time to stitch them together now. In a few weeks we're likely to be having to select which ones we even read much less report. Dodging information/no information bombs the whole way. Fun times!

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Fascinating but more frightening. A recession and real estate implosion would be the poop on the cake.

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Already happening. Plus the Japanese apparently restructuring their entire investment portfolio because the BoJ raised interest rates to 0.25%. The sky IS falling. Get your bulletproof umbrella!

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Yep, my attention has been more on this the past week than on Ukraine of Gaza.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Author

I barely keep partially lifted eyes on Ukraine. A few minutes a day on Gaza. Those narratives have been stuck in the mud, spinning their wheels for months. Quite likely by design. Even these narratives of the day are repeats of earlier ones of days, months, and years gone by. That's really the underlying narrative taking over until the currency, commodity, and equity markets start to crash. (((They))) are at the end of the rope they're still dangling on. All the (mental at minimum) resources left can produce is just massive amounts of more of the same. And that's what we will see. They are literally out of bigger ammunition. The "failed" assassination of Trump is supposed to represent their final move. Checkmate is next. But that player is temporarily out of the room giving the loser time (and space) to throw a big temper tantrum before the game is officially over.

We can't move into a whole new paradigm on such a seemingly insignificant "mistake." So the denouement music is cranking up to usher in the rushing chaotic finish nearly all movies have. So that when the "next" happily ever after restart gets here we appreciate it sufficiently. The only real question is what do we do with it This time.

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