Sep 1Liked by Karen Gordo

Thanks for all the fine links today,Karen.

If the boys in the basement want to pull a trick to start a nuclear war,or throw a coup, the first step is to takeover the media.

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That's been done for decades on some levels but essentially forever on others. All the history revision (which is regressive news media of a sort) is what got them in position to accomplish this with the propaganda modern news media in a single generation.

But their narratives are getting a little tangled because we cracked the code essentially. And are catching their fabrications now before they even present them. Isn't this fun? 😎

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Sep 2Liked by Karen Gordo

None of their lies can get any traction nowadays before being debunked as fabricated. They don't give up trying though of course, so it really is fun to watch it all unfold!

I'm interested to see where the Elon Musk story takes us next!


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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

Me, too! He is an obvious planted character. I'm sure he has a role other than simply reopening Twitter. It almost feels like his "purchase" (I still think he was basically a front man for DoD) was as much to open up his personality as to open the platform. He's got big fish on his plate yet to come.

Plus our DoD hole in its pocket zoomed from 2.2 trillion to 20+ trillion dollars in 23 years. OWS is one possibility. But there are lots of others. Lots. The Q operation is undoubtedly in there somewhere.

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Sep 3Liked by Karen Gordo

Maybe the natural born genius of Nikolai is too much for the industrial complex of military hardware, hackers and AI. I mean, wow, the dude is pure genius and has locked down TG in a way that no one can crack. This seems to be one fulcrum point of the story and somehow that does not seem credible.

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I agree about the credibility of that likelihood. But there's so much "science" and "tech" that I just don't really get, that it's hard to formulate how to express that.

But just remember, in the movies anything is possible. You just write it in the script and voila! It happens. Another possibility is part of an only tease at this point alien agenda. Whether ancient ones or current ones who knows who wound up with the best technologies from that quarter?

How is it possible that Russians and Iranians have hypersonic missiles in current use but Americans (NATO) don't even have them on a drawing board? All kinds of secrets unlock these questions.

More movie magic? Alien providence? Luck? I just hope we get to find out when it's all over.

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Sep 3Liked by Karen Gordo

We’re often told that actual tech is 30-100 years behind what has been already developed. You think this may be a lie, too?

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I do. I don't think anyone here has "developed" any technology. I think they're all old and on a controlled release schedule, but the controllers found new applications and tweaks to get their agendas moving faster.

The unfolding of the "tech age" was the most powerful distraction and cover operation ever.

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Sep 2Liked by Karen Gordo

Many side dishes on the menu today.

The Musk controversies are beginning to pile up. I have to admit to being somewhat torn on this. For someone who constantly talks about not being restricted, he seems to have no problem throwing accounts off his platform.

I liked the Peskov comment I saw today about Telegram. “Drug dealers drive cars too but no one is locking up the CEOs of the car companies.

Ukraine is going down quickly now. Soon they’ll have to determine their direction after taking back The Donbass.

Much good info here. It will take awhile to thoroughly digest it.

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Wanted it to be complete. The most important views have multiple means and depths that can be absorbed as available. Musk is a highly interesting character. He opened the files and allowed controlled operatives to look and assess. He still keeps some accounts blocked still since 2021 and ejects numbers of new or reinstated ones every day.

I personally think he had a deal w/Trump that he would buy Twitter and do that one thing in exchange for all the government contracts during his administration. But then he'd have at least some latitude. Or maybe the whole thing was a package. Where he had a post Twitter Files Awakening script.

The Brazil thing is over 7 accounts. If the FBI or even a state AG had subpoenas for 50 accounts in the US he'd give that up immediately. So he's been fined and required to place a legal representative in Brazilian territory. Pretty standard in extrajudicial jurisdictions. He's willing to let his 3rd largest by percentage of use market get shut down over information from seven accounts. More than that are taken down in the US at the request of an American source agency perhaps many hours of each day. That's why I called this potentially kayfabe.

And Pepe E's post about this arrest being a distraction applies to Ukraine as well. It's an interesting chess board the new master controllers have gotten the former master controllers backed onto.

This is really primarily about the American election, too. It's so close now and they are still bouncing with Kamala. Whom they have no intention of leaving on the ballot. Or else, none of holding a election if they can't replace her and TT.

It's crazy what a botched assassination and them attacking RFK, Jr. so hard has wrought. They are their own worst enemy and they know every inch of that failure.

Things will be heating up and coming faster as well. The better base of these narratives we can build the more prepared we can be for these future events. But mostly we just need to see there isn't a front they are winning on. They might have some effective moves going in Africa, but even there they aren't winning overall. And they come closer to drowning in ignominy every day.


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The mega version of a mega issue. Today's edition should be a newspaper.

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I personally like the get in quick and out quicker model. But some stories take time and space beyond that model. C'est la vie.

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I got through the digital section, which was about two-thirds of the post. Took a long time, and was worth it!

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I'm glad. Sometimes I also put in multiple length versions of especially videos. I'm not a big fan of only having an option of a three hour video to get even the gist of the narrative. But, even if I put it there, it's gonna be an option.

One thing I do like about the whole post thread concept is that if you've seen some parts already you can confidently skip over that. If you haven't you now have parts of the story you didn't before. But it seems like effort wasted if I decide what everyone's (or a median) familiarity with a topic should be and work from there just to save a relative few inserts.

In mostly driving narrative concepts, it's just easier to go with the whole buffet. And let each reader select what makes the story tasty for them.

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It's a jigsaw, piece after piece laid out, the picture forming in my brain. One week's work for you, one hour for me. I wish there were 10 people doing the same, and telling me their topic in advance, and thus I'd save myself a lot of searching (and forgive myself for all the topics I'm skipping).

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That's kind of funny. But I always let the narrative drive the bus. I used to collect pieces drip by drip but I really seldom do that as much anymore. The stories are coming faster than I could reasonably hope to keep up that for 2 dozen themes or subjects.

Most of the material here is all from within three days span. And even stories that need background, I have seen it just not catalogued so I know what I'm looking for. Or I spot a critical piece, save (and date!) it so I know when to go look for others.

I'm genuinely trying to get more efficient at this. So I can do more stories or depth as the need arises. The gab is a gift; the organization/method is work!

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You make me guilty to be working less.

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