Sep 12Liked by Karen Gordo

I was waiting breathlessly for someone to explain the earbuds thing I kept hearing about. I was worried as I kept reading your piece but like the true connoisseur you are, you saved the best for last. Maybe people are looking at this wrong. Instead of communicating with K, the earbuds were used to blast Trump with some sort of debilitating “energy draining “ force to make him lose his thought process and speak about rally sizes instead of economics, immigration, or anything else anymore might care about.

It’s getting harder to determine who believes what anymore, irregardless of how stupid the topic is. I thought Putin talking about Kamala was clearly a troll. He framed it as he was doing so because Biden told him to. He talked about how her “infectious laugh” meant she might now sanction so hard. Even the moderator and people there were laughing.

But we quickly moved to eating dogs and cats. I wondered where that MAGA cat sweater came from. Apparently my cat must have ordered one.

Interestingly enough, in the real world, no one I’ve talked to regardless of political affiliation sawthe debate as anything other than surprise over how it went. Begrudgingly appreciative of Kamala’s effort and surprise Trump fell into all her predictable traps. Yours was the best commentary I’ve read…but I knew it would be.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence! This was another scene we will have to look back at to "see." "Future proves past" is also a Q maxim. (One that is vastly underutilized, myself included!)

Often these scripts have a surface projection (like Trump fades, Kamala surges), but then in light of future events appear to have an entirely different meaning or message. Waiting for that future is hard which is why it is a good policy to build that in. So that was my thought process with the sorority and the pearls. Building in the look back. And already this morning we find that Dana Walden (ABC moderator) is an AKA sister! More will come, too.

Hope the sweater fits! That narrative is more about Haiti, which I have been waiting for months to blow up. Barbecue is a big operative of the DS cannibals but when does that come into the light? Why were the Springfield authorities dampening the story? (Ohio is also a very bad place. Home of Pence and DeWine just to name a few.) This is just the dawning of that story emerging.

And to wind up where we began I suspect Trump didn't have a "bad" night. He successfully transferred the spotlight onto Kamala. (He has plenty to spare.) He truly does that so well. No matter how much better he could have done, the news would have focused on him today. He wants the spotlight on her. Letting her dig her own grave. Just like he's done dozens of times before.

I included Joachim Flores' post about his hair for that reason, too. His char(actor) has used his hair color before as comms, but not really a different style. Interesting detail that undoubtedly also has a meaning as yet interpreted. The further into this storm we go the more of these fly away details will be used. And future will prove past.

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Gordo

The Trump “hair” angle is an interesting one.

The ebbs and flows of the narrative are out of one of Vince McMahon’s wrestling scripts. The spectators are the hardcore members of each party. Cheers and boos depending upon who has the upper hand.

Another piece to the election script dropped yesterday. I haven’t seen any discussion yet but I noticed the post office has already announced there will be “issues” with mail in ballots. Wow, who could have predicted that.

I’ve been buried this summer and have had to cut my Substack consumption time down considerably. I subscribe to a few music related stacks but have cut political consumption way back. There’s so much repetition in the writing anyway. You get off the beaten path so thanks for that.

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Yes, I have a folder started with repeat 2020 narrative upgrades for the 2024 election. If we actually have one, it will immediately proceed to occur exactly like 2020 (establishing that as the new normal). If we get slow news weeks, I might do a piece listing them. But repeat scenes are for people who didn't see it the first time. Doubtful, we will need to go over that particular ground again.

Other than I'm not a military analyst, that's why I don't do Ukraine or Israel, except for new narratives. That grinding kind of activity is for totally dead sleepers. My focus is north of those horizons so we can see beyond it. Not get mired in the mud of dragging dead weight out of it.

Might sound a little callous but someone has to be in the vanguard of vision. There are tons of people playing for the normies (and likes and followers). I've just never been one of them. Probably would even totally bomb if I tried!

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Sep 12Liked by Karen Gordo

Keep on keepin on

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Thank you for the story about Putin! I hadn't caught that one.

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Yeah, pretty funny. He (lightly) trash talks Kamala, gets slapped by US goons. The next day he points out the hypocrisy. Can't make it up!

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Sep 14Liked by Karen Gordo

You were wise to sit out the first 24 hrs , digest, evaluate and let the mist of the debate fall away. It was a masterclass stroke of genius. That only DJT could do. He was right yet again, the best debate he has done so far. Thankyou Karen , a brilliant synopsis.

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Thanks, Trish. I do usually let the story develop a bit. And I almost always use a Q filter of some kind to see beyond the headlines, even if not specifically expressed. I find a lot of information personally in the spaces between. In fact, one of my guiding principles is that there is where the truth is concealed. Presenting the story in this fashion leaves the reader free to explore the cracks on their own. But at least they can see them more clearly.

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