5 hrs agoLiked by Karen Gordo

Pretty much everything about the Routh “attempt” smells in my opinion. He doesn’t really get close and a letter saying he was attempting to kill Trump shows up in a box at some point”friends” house. It’s stuff like this why no one believes anything anymore. I know a lot of people who think Trump staged the first one, which is pretty ludicrous.

Doesn’t Crooke say in that video that the people who were hurt by the pager blasts were all Hezbollah civilians support personnel or their families. I think he said the fighters don’t use them. Anyway if Israel tries to invade things will get interesting. I know some people over there. It’s a lot worse than our media tells us. Economically they’re coming apart.

I saw the post Trump/Elenskyyyyy meeting. Don’t think Z was too happy. Trump doing his “Putin is my bud” schtick.

The movie is running but is anyone really paying attention.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Karen Gordo

I didn’t even mention one of your most important points…Iran “gate”. They’ve replaced Russia as the go to boogeyman.

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Nope. They've shoved Iran in the middle though. One of the posts said they'd go back to Russia after a "thorough investigation." Russia will never lose their place in Western black books until The End.

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That last one is the sixty thousand dollar question. I know, adjusted for inflation its like only worth $400 now, but...

All of these events - assassinations, wars, politics, countries, businesses even, are scripted movies. Everything planned, choreographed, scripted, acted for creating this game experience. There's only one great big actor's union they all work for.

This movie at this time has a new twist. Show people that it's all been fake. Creating a reality that isn't real. There's no prize for seeing it first but there's great anxiety in seeing it last.

All the action will be getting even more silly, stupid, loud, violent, crashing until the last holdouts basically don't have a rock to cling to in an ocean full of sharks and swim to shore, exhausted.

I can't tell you why. I can only tell you that's what's real about the news and action we are served around the world - nothing. All the stress, concerns, watching, and analysis were never truly needed. It really all stops when we quit watching. Quit paying fake taxes. Quit watching fake television, news, and movies. Quit buying fake food and going to fake doctors. Quit voting for fake politicians and sending our children to fake schools. Because then there's no point to even producing the show.

But since we have so many that don't see any of that (much less all), the show is being produced to crash everything so it's not so difficult to imagine how to start over. With no fake realities to blind us to a blank canvas we paint ourselves instead of watching a mass produced movie from aliens.

So the fun at this point is to guess what "happens" next, where our characters go, what they say, etc. But pretty soon it will be watching these fantasy shows crash and burn. Then we need the stoicism to take that as new beginnings and not world ending. They're trying to make the earth seem basically uninhabitable so we choose to take over. Rather than perish in the digitized flames. Or choose slavery to the WEF.

All you need to see will be in how the "fakeness" / ridiculous factor is escalating by the hour. It will get to by the minute. Perhaps by then, more will be inclined to "see." Until then, I'll try to make it simpler to see without trying to shove uncomfortable concepts where I have no business going.

The Trump character, I believe, will be highly helpful in that. He will continue to say and do things that seem strange even to his closest adherents. That they'll have to figure out. If they are still invested in the presumed person Trump, they might not be very happy. If they understand it's a movie they'll assume there's a different ending than they imagined. And make what they can of the next scenes just like a moviegoer expecting narrative shifts in a dramatic picture.

We're all along on the same ride. Just some of us have seen more of these scenes than others. It behooves us to help our fellow travelers remove the specks in their eyes whenever our vision starts clearing. No special education or expertise is needed. Just dawning realization when you discover you are an extra in a super big production you never agreed to be part of.

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