Congrats on passing 200 subscribers. The next hundred will arrive quicker.

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Well, I'm happy to have everyone on board! If I can help clarify things for 5 people it's worth it. 50 was beyond my dreams. But it probably takes 5-10X that in subscribers for a little niche like mine. So maybe my dream is coming true or on pace! Thanks!

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It will come quicker. You deserve reaching 1000 this year. More than NATO deserves a 75th birthday :)

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Well since NATO didn't deserve a 7th birthday, I'll take that under advisement. Everything is upside down! ❤

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Apr 2Liked by Karen Gordo

The toddler analogy is a great one. I may steal that. 😊

I initially thought that the NATO honchos would eventually smell the coffee, but am now convinced they’re so entrenched in their narrative they’re hopelessly lost.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2Author

Completely hopelessly. They're committed to this path and apparently there aren't any off ramps.

Steal whatever helps!

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Apr 1Liked by Karen Gordo

That’s a pretty comprehensive summary, setting the stage and introducing the players. Cue the soundtrack.

These European countries can’t have a lot of equipment left. Most of the good stuff is in Moscow at the war museum. Hopefully Netherlands won’t expect that Patriot system they’re sending to come back in good working order if at all.

The Russians are just chugging along. This has got to be like pre Christmas for Shogeiu and his elves. They create the toys and send them into Ukraine to be tested. Make adjustments and go again.

I’m kind of watching the Syria area. Israel seems to want to push Iran and crew. Iran has actually showed restraint. Probably smart. Militia leaders are a dime a dozen and for each one killed the rank and file just get more amped for revenge when the time comes.

I’m not sure about Biden anymore. I would have bet big awhile ago on him being replaced but now I’m not so sure. They would like to beat Trump with Biden. That would be the ultimate troll. 😈

Another great job. I’m glad to hear your subscriber base is increasing. You certainly deserve it.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2Author

Thanks for vote of confidence. I was never in this for any more people than wanted to listen. This movie has had its fits and starts, actor and script changes, and twists and turns. But it always ends exactly the same.

Iran, Syria, Hezbollah are essentially using the same strategy as Putin. That's no coincidence. It's a war of attrition defensively rather than offensively. It's a little like being the mom of a toddler with anger issues. Waiting them out can be painful but often is the winning strategy. As dependent as Israel is on armaments from the US it is just a matter of time before that well dries up.

Ukraine could have been over within a matter of hours dozens of times over the past 9 months. Putin is far less interested in gaining territory in most of western Ukraine than he is in draining NATO of even the smallest sliver of viability for a real war. There's a distinct possibility if the US/UK/UKR connection holds up for Crocus City that the SMO becomes a CTO (counterterrorism op). That opens up the going after personnel much more widely than NATO honchos and mercenaries. Also as well a wider range of weaponry can be used, I believe. That could be very interesting.

The next several months will really set the stage for an end scenario even if only for this initial show. A brief intermission possibly, but maybe not. But we will see what direction a lot of actions will probably take. But the narrative of war building in Europe and Taiwan is undeniable. Doesn't make it definite, but lots more likely. But what toys will be left and available to play with is the question for now.

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Apr 1Liked by Karen Gordo

Well Karen, it is heating up. Hopefully , we can get through the first stages of WW3 just to prove some of us knew what we were talking about. Logically this is being done to destroy the earth while a selected few hibernate until they can rebuild it.

At the rate of the increase in speed to destruction, the Mexicans will have to work faster to reclaim the Southwest.

(There goes my chance to play Cowboy vs Cartels)

With Ramadan ending on the 9th of April, we'll see more involvement with Iran and maybe some direct strikes on NATO lands by Russia.

That's what we deserve for have a fool in office, so I shouldn't complain.

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Well I saw someone earlier today speculating that Joe would be gone by the Democratic Convention. But by then, I think the course for war will be set already. (And we know the real warmongers sit in corporate board rooms and think tank conference chairs.)

It's not as much that I think we won't have one. It's how evidently short it will have to be. Win or lose, Western countries are slap out of fighting capacity. Before it even starts. So there's that. No long drawn out lies six to ten times a day for years. Maybe weeks.

They key here is

1) they have had to completely turn 180° on the Ukraine narrative. First time for them especially that fast.

2) Now that cherry is popped, the rest fall pretty swiftly - pandemic/vaccines, who stole all the money, who made terrorists, ...

3) By that time - no one that still draws breath will vote for another of these idiots in their life and neither will their succeeding generations.

It's a good start.

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Apr 11Liked by Karen Gordo

It's a lot to take in (newb subscriber, via Mike Hampton iirc). Transnistria and Kaliningrad are mentioned as flash points. We need to also watch Gagauzia. I forget her name but the rather photogenic leader of this wannabe breakaway state stuck within Moldova was in Moscow very recently. I suspect that Moldova could become Ukraine 2.0 if Europe does enough prodding. Romania likely to have the sharpest sticks.

If Gagauzia declared UDI (seceded in other words), for example, and Moldova plus allies acted against them, any defensive actions involving Russia would 'prove' the case being made by (in particular) 'Lord' Cameron and General Micron: "we told you Russia was coming for the rest of us... now look!" As the crow flies it is not so very far from Odesa, about 250 km.

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Yes, Gagauzia and Transnistria are both thorns in Maia Sandu's hide right now. Both are variants of autonomous zones. The push toward Odessa will take some security heat off temporarily at least. Their bigger and nearer problems are the political and economic warfare being waged against them in Chisinau. I have written a little about that, but the larger focus is on Romanian plans to absorb Moldova and provide a southern European military route to Ukraine. These autonomies can possibly slow things down but would need direct Russian intervention to prevail. Moldova is scheduling a referendum on this for October (ahead of their November elections).

I suspect it may be much further clarified if not nearly over by then. At the rate things are heading now!

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Apr 2Liked by Karen Gordo

It really doesn't get much more Stupid than violating one country's sovereign airspace, to bomb another country's Embassy.

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Exactly. Israel via Netanyahu is admitting what a rabid dog it is. That Iran hasn't responded yet nor Syria actually speaks volumes. Tells me they already have plans; maybe the timeline or targets get shifted around but they're not going to pick stupid blind rage for an appetizer. Staying on target in this war is worth 12 of these react before I forget about it types.

But it won't be terribly long before determination and weakness of the targets meet. This is a reverse war of attrition. They're letting American ability to supply Israel get weaker before the real booms start. Closer every day.

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Apr 3Liked by Karen Gordo

Absolutely, between Gaza, and the Ukraine, the US/ EU is draining itself, and the West is not ready for what Col. Jacques Baud refers to as total war, which is what Russia was prepared for, and so is Iran, and most probably China too.

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It's a remake (well, they want you to think it is) of Allies v. Axis. Only this time it really is an energetic war and in more ways than the surface one. Axis prevails on every front since Allies wasted their ammunition on Ukraine (also symbolically!). It would/will be a very short war.

But there's still a lot of entertainment left to come, so we'll already be watching and won't miss it.

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