May 16Liked by Karen Gordo

Great summation from the sublime,Putin’s new appointments, to the ridiculous, Blinky does Neil Young. Apparently he never really understood the lyrics.

That’s quite a delegation that is headed for China from Moscow. Pretty much anyone who is anyone is on board.

You’ll be posting daily soon…things are really heating up.

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It will get much choppier before it gets lots faster. But when it goes chop chop and move along I could do shorter pieces daily. But part of the fun is finding all the comedy, con jobs, and content and making it entertaining. Just reporting live is more of of a chore.

The crazy is starting to get the upper hand. Probably a sign of a switch coming. But for now this works. We seem to be having lots of repeat stories. Or pieces of stories.

But whether it's bigger crazy or increasing pace we'll stay in the fight as long as the lights are on...

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